April 15, 2013 Watchtower - p. 22-26: Organization-Obsessed Much???

by sd-7 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Jworg uses podcast via yahoo or google for the WT that are not yet publicly available.



    (Google translate)

    Thank you, Marcial.

  • transhuman68
  • cedars

    I've just read through this Watchtower, and I can't believe how blatant the indoctrination and propaganda is. Twice the magazine implies that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching ALL OVER the Earth when they are virtually absent in Arab and Communist lands. It is even suggested that there is "evidence" of angels assisting the preaching work. As the OP suggests, the "organization" concept is repeatedly hammered home and venerated.

    I've highlighted quite a few parts of this magazine that are simply ridiculous, and I'm sure I will be quoting from it in future blog articles.


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Those at the top get more comfy chairs than the others even though we are all equal (and all in it together) Lol

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    p. 27: "Are we personally in step with this wonderful organization?"

    p. 31: "What a privilege it is to live in these last days and to be part of Jehovah's incredible organization!"

    So now the organization has been praised as "wonderful" and "incredible". I mean, even Jesus doesn't get this kind of praise in a Watchtower article. Wonderful???? Incredible??? It's an organization! I bet you'd probably raise eyebrows if you called Jesus 'wonderful' and 'incredible' in a talk.

    Wow. Second article mentions "organization" 15 times. Governing Body gets two mentions (nods to the Writing and Teaching Committees there), plus a mention of 'anointed who are taking the lead in the organization' and anointed already in heaven who will help Jesus conquer those rebelling against Jehovah. Jesus gets mentioned 6-7 times.

    Well...I'm officially creeped out...again.

    Lol. I've never met such a more discreet bunch of knobs in my life.

  • DesirousOfChange

    So now the organization has been praised as "wonderful" and "incredible".

    Isn't it obvious that the members of the writing committee followed the incredible, wonderful, awesome organization's instructions to NOT get an education. Is this even 8th grade level?


  • cantleave

    Hey people let's not forget something.....

    Its a fucking cult!!!!

  • sir82
    when they are virtually absent in Arab and Communist lands.

    Not to mention India.

    Geographically, JWs are absent from well over 90% of India; hundreds of millions there never even get close to ever "receiving a witness".

  • BroMac
    Lol. I've never met such a more discreet bunch of knobs in my life.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Has anyone really looked at this photograph carefully? I transferred it to photoshop to

    get a better look...trying to figure out what's behind the old geezers and what that

    circle thing is to the left? It's kind of creepy when you zoom in. I'll try and post

    it here....

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