Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.

by AuntConnie 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • l p
    l p

    According to your own beliefs you are doing what the elders book talks about "recriminating". That is you are condemning others whilst you are doing the wrong thing.

    You are not suppose to use the excuse others are doing it so im ok

    sort out yourself.

    my eyes are open by the way. Ive live a number of years in that organisation to see ALL the hypocrisy - hence why i left. I lived the truth completely whilst in it, yet was slandered and victimised by those so called 'strong' ones.

    They are ALL hypocrits

  • Cagefighter

    Somewhere in Aunt Connie's house there is a bottle of with a couple more pills in it than it should have. Time to take your medicine Aunt Connie before you go streaking through the park again wearing a poodle on your head.

  • unstopableravens

    just leave the kingdom hall, surrender your life to christ and than you dont have to worry about pioneers who only use one finger,and elders who drink to much, the stuff you describe sounds like a typical middle school, all childish.

  • Chaserious

    surrender your life to christ

    lol, yes that will solve everything. I knew you could pray the gay away... can you pray the crazy away too?

  • unstopableravens

    lol well should i give her atheist advice go climb a tree and get in touch with your anserstry ,maybe swinging on vines will help take the crazey away.

  • Chaserious

    This person probably needs an extended period of intense therapy. Even if s/he is here to incite a reaction (which I doubt because if so why would she ninja-edit the list away before more people could read it), the level of nuance needed to create a character of this nature indicates to me that someone who would devote that much effort to it has some unresovled issues.

  • JakeM2012


    I have never heard it illustrated this way, but you are spot on with the 5 flushes. The clicks in the hall will see to it that the Kingdom Hall party is by invitation only. And if you don't think they have power, you'd better think twice, because they can make your life miserable. I've been in the click, and also have been internally shunned. Once your off the party boat and swim to shore, you meet others that have experienced the same hatred.

    As far as the background check mentioned, I have heard of an elder that ran a background check on a brother that moved in and found an old DUI. His life was living hell after that.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    As far as the background check mentioned, I have heard of an elder that ran a background check on a brother that moved in and found an old DUI. His life was living hell after that.

    Typical self-righteous JW mentality. Go out in service and be willing to study with any scumbag willing to listen in order to having some bragging rights, while chasing people who are already "brothers" out the back door with their hypocrazy.

  • moshe

    Maybe she is talking about the bro who is visiting the JWs in Sing Sing prison and conductiong their WT lesson- " How to be content, even though you are in prison for a pedophile conviction"

  • jgnat

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