Expain how a tapeworm could be either "better" or "worse" than a basic tapeworm.
This is one of those things that is what it is.
by Terry 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Expain how a tapeworm could be either "better" or "worse" than a basic tapeworm.
This is one of those things that is what it is.
So, PSacramento, some creatures that we label "pests" today, like the tapeworm, theologically, must have had a different function before the fall. How is this different than imagining that Lions and Dinosaurs were vegetarians?
To know god in his entirety really isn't hard at all , all one has to do is go look in a mirror and there he is .
Of course the issue with that view is that Terry has to prove WHY God can't be a God of love is He created carnivores.
Maybe I can reply to this. I would suggest that carnivores disprove that a God of love could create the world, or even allow it to exist, because, as I already stated, many animals feel fear and pain. Scientists today agree that they are conscious, as we are. There is tentative evidence that the more intelligent social animals also feel familial bonds in the way that humans do, and mourn the loss of a loved one. How could a loving god allow feeling animals to die violent deaths for untold generations?
James and Jgnat,
Those are questions best posed to a fundamentalist or a creationalist.
I am neither so I can't give you the answer they would.
To me it makes sense that what we have now are species that have evolved based on natural selection for procreation ( best traits to propagate the species) and adaptation to environmental factors.
Now, IF man did "fall" and is not doing "his job" as caretakers of the planet, then it can be argued that the enviroment has suffered for it and because of that, animals and such have been effected by the fall ( extinction and underpopulation due to man's disregard for nature is an example).
To speculate what the function of ANY animal was before we have any record of it is just that, specualtion BUT I don't think that mans "fall" caused herbavores to turn into carnivores and turned symbiotic parasites into non-symbiotic ones, BUT it could have aggrevated the situation due to mans influence on the environment.
I'd like to know what was god's strategic plan when he made all animals species to continually reproduce,
including man. ????
Good thing Adam and Eve sinned or there would a lot of animals and people living on the earth right now
Maybe I can reply to this. I would suggest that carnivores disprove that a God of love could create the world, or even allow it to exist, because, as I already stated, many animals feel fear and pain. Scientists today agree that they are conscious, as we are. There is tentative evidence that the more intelligent social animals also feel familial bonds in the way that humans do, and mourn the loss of a loved one. How could a loving god allow feeling animals to die violent deaths for untold generations?
A good question.
If pain and fear were NOT a factor when the antelope sees the lion, then the lion would most certainly kill a lot more than he probably needs.
Not good for the lion or the antelope.
To suggest that fear and pain serve no benefical purpose is, IMO, incorrect.
Technically, a tapeworm is not really a carnivore - as it just eats the gut contents of the host creature but not the flesh.
Thus, if a tapeworm existed in the vegan garden of Eden, it would be a righteous tapeworm which only ate partially digested fruits and vegatables.
Of course, once the forbidden fruit was eaten, any tapeworm downstream would automatically have inherited sin and death.
There - if have auto-didactically explained tapeworm theology.
Thank you very much.
To suggest that fear and pain serve no benefical purpose is, IMO, incorrect.
I was suggesting no such thing. Obviously those feelings serve to prolong a prey animal's life. But as Terry stated, why not just create life that lives off solar power? Grass doesn't have consciousness, so just herbivores would have been fine too.
Terry, do you need to have a big ego to be a big expert? In other words, does expert -> ego?
It would be correct for me to give the definition of EXPERT: by virtue of credential, training, education, profession, publication or experience, believed to have special knowledge of a subject beyond that of the average person.
If I had a "special" definition of expert I'd fall into the trap best described by the saying: "Everybody is entitled to their own opinion--but--not their own facts!"
When somebody thinks they can play David as an average person against somebody else's educated and credentialed Goliath, I'd say EGO is working overtime.