Who did jesus look like, his mom or his dad?

by Honeybucket 95 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honeybucket

    If jesus was immaculate, what would his dna and alleles look like? Would he be the spitting image of mary?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    He would be her clone.

  • mrsjones5

    But wouldn't make him a her?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    That is a very interesting (theological) question and I am amused at the answers.

  • AGuest

    Puts a HUGE question mark next to that talk, strapping, chiseled-face, cut-biceped "Jesus" a whole lot of folks look to, doesn't it, dear Honey (peace to you!)?

    A couple thoughts (for anyone interested):

    1. Christ healed people by taking their "sins" (infirmities) into his body. One of those people was a woman with an unceasing monthly flow... for 12 years. WHERE... in HIS body... could he have "taken" such a condition?

    2. Christ is the "last Adham." Eve was brought out of Adham. What, though, was Adham like BEFORE that event?

    People's "vision" of Christ... well, let's just say a whole lotta folks are in for a pretty big surprise. As Isaiah wrote:

    "Likewise, he will startle many nations.
    Kings shall shut their mouths at Him;
    For what had not been told them they shall see,
    And what they had not heard they shall perceive."
    Isaiah 52:15

    Things that [should] make you go "hmmmmm..."

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    But wouldn't make him a her?

    Yup...the worlds best kept secret...LOL

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It does not make me go "hmmmmm." Now if Isaiah had a photograph of proven provenance......... A YouTube video would be even better.

    I wrote a review of an art exhibit I saw that was called "Rembrant: Faces of Jesus." People tend to project their personal wishes on to Jesus. The Roman Catholic Church acquired a phony document of what Jesus looked like during the early Middle Ages. The Church ruled that all portraits of Jesus had to apper as in the sketch. It is one of the reasons depictions of Jesus in the MIddle Ages make Jesus appear as a cadaver. When I visit those galleries, I run through them.

    Rembrandt was the first major Protestant artist. The reformers despised the Catholic hokey stuff. Rembrandt used local Sephardic Jews living in Amsterdam as models for Jesus in his art. Jesus is approachable and not so spooky. It was a major turning pont in Christian art.

    Personally, I believe one of the reasons Jesus is so enduring is that we have a blank slate. The History Channel commissioned artists and antrhopologists to create a first century Jew, based on skeletons and art of the time. Jesus is not Northern European in this art. He is short, stocky, and not what he call attractive today.

    Many people who heard Jesus followed him, but most did not. I expect he looked the same as anyone else. Martin Scorcese wanted Jesus to be played by Robert DeNiro. DeNiro laughed so hard at the idea. They needed a less known actor. All people would see is DeNiro the star.

    What if Jesus resembled an older married man in Nazareth? It makes one wonder.

  • cofty

    Why are you contradicting yourself Shelby? You said there was no such person as Jesus.

    When I came to know the One many CALL "Jesus" I came to know that "Jesus" has never done anything for me... because there is no such person. - Shelby

    there is no "Jesus." Else, he would ANSWER everyone CALLING on him. - Shelby

  • caliber

    But wouldn't make him a her?

    I think Jesus may have had smaller breasts

  • jam

    Interesting question. We have occasional references to

    physical traits. David is said to have a ruddy appearance,

    Leah seems to have been less attactive than her sister

    Rachael, Bathsheba surely drew David,s eye and then

    we have specific traits, the woman in the Song of Songs

    describes herself as "black" and beautiful, Sampson is

    said to have long hair ( side not 1 Cor; 11:14 man with

    long hair is degrading to him). Remarkably silent about

    any extensive physical description of the main character.

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