Who did jesus look like, his mom or his dad?

by Honeybucket 95 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pterist

    Honey bucket **** If jesus was immaculate******

    Immaculate ????....I think you are confusioning the RCC doctrine on the immaculate conception. The Roman Catholic doctrine of the Immaculate Conception holds that, when Mary herself was conceived, she came into existence without the "stain" (Latin, macula) of original sin.

  • NewChapter


    Okay, but not sure if you are making a point, or just passing on information. This was a test for blood type---not a check for geneology through DNA. If the blood type is AB, then one allele was inherited from father and one from mother. We are talking blood type here, not heritage.

    But yes, if he inherited all of his alleles from Mary, and he was type AB, then she would have also had to have been type AB. And as the article pointed out, so would 18% of present day population of Northern Palestine. Not rare in that area (I didn't check the facts with any other source, just going off your article)

    Yet, if he inherited all of his alleles from Mary--??--would that not require that he too be female? She would not have a y chromosome to pass on to him. Seems much more logical that a father passed on half the genes----unless a Y chromosome was somehow miraculously inserted? Or perhaps he wasn't exactly human----in the same way we are human? but then, would that not negate just about everything in the gospels? Really, our genetic make-up is what makes us human. If some new form comes along with a completely unique make-up, would that be H. sapien? Of course there are still humans that are born with the wrong number of chromosomes, and they are human, but that is just one variation.

  • tiki

    well.....being perfect, he had to have an ideal face and form. it wouldn't much matter what mary looked like.....she was just a receptacle......we have no way of knowing if her actual egg was used or not....or if joseph's sperm was phenomoninally extricated from him and implanted in her egg.....or if a different method of impregnating her was utilized. in any event, being perfect, i would expect a flawless appearance.

  • caliber

    the Y chromosome spans about 60 million base pairs (the building blocks of DNA) and represents about 2 percent of the total DNA in all human cells. [

    NC ...You likely feel God could not pull off this small miracle of just inserting a male Y chromsome... but I think He could

  • shamus100
  • shamus100
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  • shamus100
  • shamus100
  • cofty

    Caliber there was no virgin birth. The earliest gospel, Mark doesn't even bother to mention it. The author of Matthew invents the idea based on a mistranslation of the Septuagint.

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