Have you ACTUALLY seen any Bible prophecies fulfilled in your life/lifetime?

by punkofnice 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    if He didn't return then, WHEN did he return?

    He was very clear he would be back within the lifetime of his first followers.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    He was very clear he would be back within the lifetime of his first followers.

    Where did he say that he would return during their lifetime?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I posted this on another thread, but it fits here:

    There's enough numbers and vague statements in the accepted books of the Bible to make it say that Donald Duck will start a revolution in 2014 that will cause the fall of established religion leading to Nuclear Armageddon starting in Asia and God stepping in to remove the faithful in something like the rapture, before wiping all green-eyed people off the face of the earth and letting the blue-and-brown-eyed people become slaves cleaning up the mess.

  • cofty

    Where did he say that he would return during their lifetime?


    Matt 24 just for a start.

    When Jesus said "you will see" and "this generation" was he using Watchtower style double talk?

  • AGuest

    I have, dear Punk (peace to you!). Many, actually. One of the most notable (because it affects almost everyone here) is Revelation 13:11-18.


    A slave of Christ,


  • cofty
    I have, dear Punk One of the most notable (because it affects almost everyone here) is Revelation 13:11-18 . - Shelby

    "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. "

    FFS not dragon visions again!

  • Tater-T

    my horrorscope was right once....

    but no!!

  • PaintedToeNail

    The only thing I can think of is the loss of natural affection and the general rudeness of people at large...then I think about the fact that the Israelites were able to sell their kids off to pay their debts, (particularly girls), parents stoning their alledgedly obstinate kids to death, the laming of horses, the tying of fox tails together to burn fields down, canibalism of your own children during seiges, bigamy, incest, genocide...then I realize nothing has really changed, maybe gotten better in the western world.


    I KNEW Disney was involved!!!!

  • AGuest

    This is a beast, C... that speaks like a dragon. Not a dragon that speaks like a dragon. So neither the vision nor it's fulfillment is about dragons.

    Try to keep up.

    A slave of Christ,


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