Blood Transfusions - Truly a "Sin"?

by AGuest 57 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!

    You may have seen where I shared this before but my understanding is that it needs to be shared again... because there are those who will benefit. I won't go into my usual tome... but only state:

    Christ not only directed those of his Body to drink HIS blood... he GAVE his blood. Symbolically... AND literally. Not just by pouring out, but literally when he gave to those he healed. That's why he felt power go out of him when he healed others: HE became weakened because he EXCHANGED their blood for HIS. He took their "sins" into his body (which he took with him to the grave)... and in exchange gave them some of HIS blood... holy spirit... by means of which they were healed.

    He did this because, as he stated, "No one has GREATER love... than to give HIS life... on behalf of his friends." Thus, he gave those he healed HIS life (by means of giving them HIS blood... because the life is IN the blood!)... and took THEIR death (sins, by means of taking their blood, which had sin and death in it).

    While he later gave he life in FULL, in healing those he did, he gave a portion of his life. For them, a temporary gift of life, later replaced by a permanent... and everlasting... gift.

    Christ left us a pattern... for us to follow [in his footsteps] closely. If HE could give HIS life... HIS blood... in this way... why in the WORLD couldn't... wouldn't WE... his Body, servants... and ambassadors??

    No one has greater love... and love... covers a multitude of transgressions. If then, one is giving blood... of their LIFE... so that another may LIVE... what greater love IS there?

    There is NO law against love, dear ones. So, do not let the false teachings of a harlot cause you to shut the door of YOUR tender compassions on another... just because you fear violating some "law." PERFECT love... and loving all the way to includes one's enemies "perfects" love (Matthew 5:43-48)... casts ALL fear... OUTSIDE.

    If, then, you are giving your life... your BLOOD... even for a stranger, even for an enemy... out of LOVE... there can BE no law against it.

    And to refuse it from one who is offering it out of love... when you need it to LIVE... is unloving. You would not have refused our dear Lord's blood, given on your behalf so that you could live... right?

    Of course, if you do not need to have blood, then taking it "just because" is an disregard for the sacredness of that life. It is not assigning the proper VALUE to that life. Just as eating blood (which was done so as to consume the "spirit" of the one whose blood it was, whether man or beast, and perhaps possess its desired qualities)... is not only a disregard for the value of that blood... but disrespect for the One who created it: the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and the One through WHOM He made it, His Son and Christ, the HOLY One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah).

    Do not reject love, dear ones... whether you are on the giving end... or the receiving end... if you don't have to.

    May those of you with ears, hear and get the sense of these truths... and if not, may you be given ears to hear them, as well as to hear the Spirit and the Bride when they say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God, the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... HIS blood... which blood/water/spirit is poured out from the innermost parts of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... FREE!"

    Again, peace... to you ALL!

    YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and fellow slave of Christ,


  • cofty

    This is what I mean when I refer to "evidence-free thinking".

    Shelby you missed out the bit about a person's spirit residing in their bone marrow and how you literally saw Jesus giving somebody a blood transfusion.

  • AGuest

    I did, C. On purpose. Didn't want ya'll usual suspects going to town again... so that dear Simon/Angharad would have to delete the thread because some of you cannot post maturely on such topics. You are MORE than welcome to include that, though, if you wish. Please... feel free. Just keep it to what I posted, though, even directly quote, if you wish... and don't go adding your own snarky "edits", alls I ask. If you can control yourself, I mean, of course. If not, best we just leave it at this, yes?

    A slave of Christ,


  • cofty

    I think its important that any of your potential new disciples get a fuller picture of what they are buying into.

    Some people are easily impressed by vacuous verbosity.

  • ohiocowboy

    Hello Shelby! Greetings and peace to you! You made a very interesting point about Jesus giving his blood to others. I will use that point the next time I talk to a JW about the blood issue and see what they have to say (Or not say-lol).

    Hope you are doing well.

    Cofty, I'm glad that your health is improving, and I wish you continued healing and strength!

    vacuous verbosity

    I challenge anyone to say that five times real fast! lol

  • AGuest
    I think its important that any of your potential new disciples get a fuller picture of what they are buying into.

    I have no disciples, C. And, unfortunately, you are part of the reason the "full" picture is no longer here. So, shot yourself in the foot with that one, methinks. Again, you are more than welcome to repost it. I don't keep copies so... once that "bread" is cast...

    Some people are easily impressed by vacuous verbosity.

    Including yourself, apparently? Because, well... here YOU are. The only one besides me, too. Fancy that.

    Fancy... that...

    A slave of Christ,


  • cofty

    you are part of the reason the "full" picture is no longer here.

    You have made my day!

  • AGuest

    I am doing quite fine, dear OC (the greatest of love and peace to you!). I, too, hope C is doing well. He seems to be... so full of energy most days. At least, enough to think he can take me on (smile!). I won't insult him by going gentle with him, though (LOLOLOL!)... unless he/someone lets me know I should. Personally, I am very glad that he is "himself" (WHOO-HOO!) - that is MOST encouraging!

    Peace to you, dear one... and check your PMs in a sec? Thanks!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    You have made my day!

    Yet, you're cryin' because it ain't. Make up our minds, C. What do YOU want? Indeed, what where you looking for when you came HERE (to this thread)? A recap, perhaps? If so, let me know and I will PM you what you're asking after. Really. No snark... and no strings attached. Truly. You have my word.

    A slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento

    I think that it is important to understand that, when dealing with JW's inreagrds to the blood issue, one is tackling NOT the bible but WT literature and erroneous interpratation.

    The whole idea that the passage from ACTS:

    19 Therefore it is (AM) my judgment that we do not trouble those who are turning to God from among the Gentiles, 20 but that we write to them that they abstain from (AN) things contaminated by idols and from (AO) fornication and from (AP) what is strangled and from blood. 21 For (AQ) Moses from ancient generations has in every city those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”


    28 “For (BH) it seemed good to (BI) the Holy Spirit and to (BJ) us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: 29 that you abstain from (BK) things sacrificed to idols and from (BL) blood and from (BM) things strangled and from (BN) fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. Farewell.”

    That clearly denote dietary/worship restrictions can be used to prohibit a life saving medical procedure is soemthing that has nothing to do with the literal meaning of the passages and everything to do with human (WTBTS) doctrine.

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