Does God's foreknowledge take away from free will?

by Christ Alone 317 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    You forgot th scripture that God is a spirit, EP?

    Not at all. What does that have to do with anything?

  • Terry

    When something happens that everybody declares "impossible" it is not the event which wrong. It is the description.

    Reality trumps every description which does not match.

    An all powerful Creator God who is loving and benevolent is either an accurate description or it isn't.

    If we live in the best of all possible worlds that is proof enough.

    But, if a better world were possible and God actually has the power to make it happen---Houston, we have a problem.

    Point being? We can attribute abilities to God but the proof would lie in a demonstrable reality. Or not.

    Foreknowledge on the part of an all powerful and benevolent God only serves to indict Him as ineffective in living up to the description.

    Why? Every "wrong" thing has been seen before it occured---and yet---allowed.

    The more patches we sew on that torn garment the less it is a garment.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    It's ok tec. EP hasn't been making very good arguments about this all day.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I think I missed it because I don't see how you arrive at your point.

    You feel like you have foreknowledge because you know your child well. One day he surprises you. Turns out it wasn't knowledge, just a really good guess based on experience.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Have you been drunk all day, EP? Retread your last comment. You haven't been making any sense. You said I was wrong to say that God is not physical according to the scriptures. I think I'm officially done ever trying to have a logical conversation with you.

  • EntirelyPossible

    EP hasn't been making very good arguments about this all day.

    Correct. They were logical, rational, correct and awesome. Remember that time you kept trying to say the Bible said stuff it didn't say and I called you out on it? Good times, bro, good times.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Have you been drunk all day, EP? Retread your last comment. You haven't been making any sense.

    Ah, the inevitable personal attack when losing. It's when I know I've won. Your concession is noted.

    I think I'm officially done ever trying to have a logical conversation with you.

    You never started having one. We started without you.

  • tec

    I'm off for an hour. Please hold your thoughts... um... as pertains to me at least ;)



  • Jeffro
    It's the same with God. His knowing what we are going to do/choose doesn't mean that we don't have the freedom to do something else. It simply means that God knows what we will CHOOSE to do ahead of time. Knowing is not controlling.

    This whole topic is just fan fiction.

    But aside from that, it is despicable to do nothing about something bad you know is about to happen that is in your power to prevent.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know that my child will choose to NOT do his homework, if given a choice between that and video games.

    Me knowing his choice does not mean he has no choice. Me knowing his choice is based on me knowing HIM.

    God knows US. He knows our choices. He does not make the choices for us.

    It is the same thing as the example with my son, just on a infinitely larger scale. ...TEC

    We have just discussed that you don't know...but your example is that this is how god knows because he knows us.

    If he already knows our choices and decicions in advance...there is no free will.

    You don't know your sons decisions (no foreknowledge)...he has free will to prove you WRONG.

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