non believers what if your wrong ?

by unstopableravens 546 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    Yes, they walked away because they did NOT understand what Jesus was saying about hiim being the "mana of God".

    No, they did not walk away, because Jesus did not present it that way. That was added later. If you come to know Christ, you would know that he never would have taught such a thing. It was completely out of line with all other teachings. Manna from Heaven and the Word and all that fits, but taking it a step further and making it an actual cannibalistic, symbolic ritual is not what Christ was doing. He was using metaphor, and lying scribes came along and changed it, and people that don't look at the entire picture and what Christ was really about, follow them.

  • PSacramento
    No, they did not walk away, because Jesus did not present it that way. That was added later. If you come to know Christ, you would know that he never would have taught such a thing. It was completely out of line with all other teachings. Manna from Heaven and the Word and all that fits, but taking it a step further and making it an actual cannibalistic, symbolic ritual is not what Christ was doing. He was using metaphor, and lying scribes came along and changed it, and people that don't look at the entire picture and what Christ was really about, follow them.

    There was no taking it a step further, the writer of John wrote the GOJ much later than the other gospels and the letters of Paul, at a time when Christianity was growing but being persecuted and criticized for some "strange customs" and one of them was the Last Supper rite of which some accused Christians of canabalisim.

    The writer of John takes the opportunity here to show that the misconception happened even during Jesus time and that it may have started with the Jews ( it was one of the things some Jews accused CHristians of), he makes it clear that it is incorrect and why.

    There is no reason to view this entry as being done by the "lying scribes".

  • tec

    You know, in your effort to try and make a point, NC, you aren't answering any of the questions that I ask. Besides that, your reasoning on why some would lie about it does not make sense either.

    Might be easier if you spoke without the pretense, but that is just me.



  • tec

    Oops, thought you were responding to me there. I will wait a bit more ;)



  • Satanus

    What does jesus do w those who don't want him to be their king?


  • NewChapter

    And what makes your understanding of Christ correct? (this is a question, so do not jump to the conclusion that I am throwing something in your face, please)

    As well, you did not answer my question, but have gone off on this tangent.

    Did you pass the bread and wine by because of these reasons you are stating above... or did you pass the bread and wine by because the WTS taught you to do so, and told you that it was right?

    My understanding is just as correct as your understanding. I often passed on the bread and wine ritual in church. It never made sense to me, and seemed very foreign to the entire concept of Christianity. The times I did partake, it meant nothing to me. There was no connection to Christ in doing so. I fluctuated. Sometimes I just did it for the connection to others, but it was never anything that ever made sense to me. Or I just passed. It felt very unchristian.

  • unstopableravens

    hey snare i did not have anyone on this forum and it was not because something that i read here that made me think that. thats why i used the word "seems" . not knowing what was in the mind of others i just see many ex jw taking the athiest path. i think we all deal with the past we had with the watchtower trick society differently so i was just giving what i thought maybe im wrong about that(not about god lol) so i meant no harm by that .thanks for your thoughts snare.

  • tec

    What does jesus do w the ones who don't want him to be their king, if not kill them, like he said?

    Nothing. He does not grant them access into the kindgom. So they remain outside of it, and at some point come against it, and the people within it. (Don't ask me how, i do not know have that knowledge. But that would be armageddon; the war of God; done to protect those within from attack by those without.)

    Each person is then judged by God according to what he/she has done... unless their name is written in the lamb's book of life, and that person is not judged, but instead granted life. And God may have mercy upon whomever He chooses.



  • NewChapter

    Stop, and in regards to Snare's comment. It takes a great deal of critical thinking, self reflection, and brutal honesty to break free of a cult. Once those things are activated, we didn't just look at our particular religion, but all of them, and then at the god concept itself. I did not leave the WT because of their picture of God, I left because I questioned the entire thing.

    We OFTEN hear people say that we became atheists because the WT hurt us so badly. Simply not true. When I became an atheist, I did not feel hurt or angry. Now when I look back, I have some anger, simply because I see what a waste of time it all was. But that is through 20/20 lenses. It did not play a role in me becoming an atheist.

  • PSacramento
    What does jesus do w those who don't want him to be their king?

    Those that reject Christ will be punished.

    That is what the bible states.

    But I do think that there is much more to it than that since, rejection implies some knowledge right?

    It seems to me that those that reject Christ must first KNOW him and THEN reject him, yes?

    So, we must ask ourselves, why would a person reject Christ? what does Christ teach and bring us as King that He should be rejected?

    Christ asks/commands Us to love each other as He loved Us ( He died for us so that is a pretty awesome love), He tells us to not judge others, to love and pray for our enemies, to give of ourselves for others, to care for those in need, those that are sick, etc, etc

    Now, to reject CHrist is to reject ALL that, so I ask, why would you?

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