Faith... and Trust: The Same Things?

by AGuest 452 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    Nope. It's the claim about knowing these things and then acting the way people do with that utter certainty that they know exactly what god wants. And usually it's something pretty shitty for the rest of us. <==== THAT is the issue.

    Agree, 100%.

    Won't get any argument from me.

  • PSacramento
    So, if God is immaterial, then he can't be causing any of these things. If he isn't immaterial, then we should be able to start testing for him in an objective way.

    If God is GOD then what we as humans can grasp is probably so far down on the "objective observational scale" that we probably DO have evidecne for Him, we just don't know it yet.

    IF God is GOD then He is a being so far up in the evolutionary tree that we are ameobas to His Q ( Star Trek TNG fans will get this one).

  • EntirelyPossible

    Agree, 100%.

    Won't get any argument from me.

    I am having Thanksgiving on Thursday at my lady-friends house. Her parents are very religious. They will say a prayer, I'll bow my head, say amen, listen to them praise God, eat my turkey and watch football like a normal person. I don't care if they beleive in God and are religious. I just don't care. Good for them. But, the religion in policy, schools, education and other facets of my life that have nothing to do with church....uh, no. Part of it is the insistence that God is just as valid of an idea as science and the insistence that it be taught in school.

    No, not true. Never has been, never will be. Keep religion out of school and laws.

  • EntirelyPossible

    If God is GOD then what we as humans can grasp is probably so far down on the "objective observational scale" that we probably DO have evidecne for Him, we just don't know it yet.

    That is a meaningless tautology.

    IF God is GOD then He is a being so far up in the evolutionary tree that we are ameobas to His Q ( Star Trek TNG fans will get this one).

    Q evolved. Are you saying God evolved? We could, as the Bible says, become like God if we just continue to evolve? Are you saying that if we point an inverse tachyon beam at the same point in space in the Devron system at three different points in time we could create an eruption of anti-time that gets bigger as it grows backwards in time and we can only collapse it by creating a statis warp shell around it using the ships engines?

    Oh, and Star Trek:TNG.... what is that?

  • PSacramento
    Part of it is the insistence that God is just as valid of an idea as science and the insistence that it be taught in school.
    No, not true. Never has been, never will be. Keep religion out of school and laws.

    Not sure what that has to do with this thread...

    With the core moral fibre of western civilization being based to a large extent on judeo-christian notions I am not sure you can every keep religion out of laws and school, it is intertwined with civilization and history.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Not sure what that has to do with this thread...

    It was addressing your point of what the "thing" was...

    With the core moral fibre of western civilization being based to a large extent on judeo-christian notions I am not sure you can every keep religion out of laws and school, it is intertwined with civilization and history.

    They are also based on Muslim science and math as well as Sumerian law, yet those religions are not involved. I think we can get there. We are progressing nicely.

  • PSacramento
    Q evolved. Are you saying God evolved? We could, as the Bible says, become like God if we just continue to evolve? Are you saying that if we point an inverse tachyon beam at the same point in space in the Devron system at three different points in time we could create an eruption of anti-time that gets bigger as it grows backwards in time and we can only collapse it by creating a statis warp shell around it using the ships engines?

    I missed you guys ! LOL !

    But yes, as we contine to evolve we will become close to what God Is, but God is a different species altogether.

    I do think that if God is GOD (nothing greater can be conceived) that we do have a hard time grasping His nature and that, at best, we only get a "dim picture" and we don't aways understand what we "see".

  • EntirelyPossible

    But yes, as we contine to evolve we will become close to what God Is, but God is a different species altogether.

    That's what evolution is, one species becoming another.

    I do think that if God is GOD (nothing greater can be conceived) that we do have a hard time grasping His nature and that, at best, we only get a "dim picture" and we don't aways understand what we "see".

    Another meaningless tautology. If someone tells me their concept of God and I come up with something better, that simply gets rolled into the definition because I conceived of it.

  • PSacramento
    That's what evolution is, one species becoming another.

    Man becomes jelly fish?

    Another meaningless tautology. If someone tells me their concept of God and I come up with something better, that simply gets rolled into the definition because I conceived of it.

    I think you missed the point that if God is GOD than there is NOTHING greater.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I think you missed the point that if God is GOD than there is NOTHING greater.

    A meaningless tautology. You are simply defining "that which there is nothing greater than" as "that which there is nothing greater than". Define great? Greater than what? At what?

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