ManMade UFO Caught On Google Earth?

by metatron 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • elderelite

    Well yea botch thats kinda been my point from the beginig and thats what lead to the discussion about how a human would handle the gforces of such a manuver... But as theoretical discussion its facinating :-)

  • Satanus

    When i started thinking more about the 90 degree turn, i did realized that it's out, as far as any realistic scenario is concerned. The equipment couldn't really handle that, forget about the human. But, i was more into the possibilities in principle, the theory. Too bad, i'm not into math.

    Theoretically, though, the 90 degree turn is interesting, w the subject totally submerged in a liquid.


  • Bobcat

    By the way, just adding to the 90 degree turn idea:

    Light, when it is refracted, makes abrupt turns, even 90 degree turns. These are turns that are immediate as compared to, say, an aircraft turning which would follow an arc.

    As it turns out, photons are mass-less and, thusly, unaffected by the theoretical 'higgs field' or 'higgs ocean.'

    This discussion got me interested in reviewing a little of what I learned about the subject.

  • elderelite

    Bob a practicle application of your light illistration is a mirrior. It reflects at 180 degrees (strait back at you more or less) so i see what you are saying...

    And i agree with both of you that the theortical possoblities are awesome to consider. Its discussions like these that lead to the ideas of tommarow :) i am certainly not making light of any of it!

  • Bobcat

    By the way, I said something a little backwards:

    "As it turns out, photons are mass-less and, thusly, unaffected by the theoretical 'higgs field' or 'higgs ocean.'"

    I think it would have been more accurate to say:

    "Photons are mass-less because they are unaffected by the "higgs field. This is what allows light to change direction abruptly" (In physics, a turn would be considered an "acceleration," which is a little different from how the term would be used normally.)

    I guess the end result is the same. Other sub-atomic particles, such as protons and neutrons, are thought to be affected by this (admittedly) theoretical field - and affected to different degrees. This is what is thought to give things their different masses.

    Also, mass increases with speed (I think this is one of the byproducts of E=MC 2 ). Thus, the faster the speed, the greater the mass and the greater the turning difficulty for anything having mass.

    Light, w/o mass, doesn't share this turning problem.

    I could see where a thicker fluid might make for a smaller turning radius. The fluid (air or water) is not hindering the turn, but helping it. Thus, a plane at lower altitude has better agility than one at higher altitude (and thinner air). So, conceivably, water could be used to perform even tighter turns.

    On the down side of a thicker fluid, drag would increase proportionately in the turn, making it more difficult to maintain speed in the turn. I think even light is affected somewhat by this. I understand that light refracted thru a prism can lose a measurable amount of speed. I don't know if that is true with a mirror or not (by the way, good illustration EE). (By the way, the Russian torpedo I mentioned earlier that travels in a 'bubble of air' is supposedly designed for straight, surprise shots. Turning would conceivably strip it of its drag reducing bubble.)

  • still thinking
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I want one.

    But i would rather a time machine...


  • still thinking
  • elderelite

    Your right bob about mass and speed. That would play out in two ways as i understand it: one would be the tendancy of the structure (the craft itself) to dishape as it turned, creating stress and possible airframe failure. Some shapes and designs resist this more than others ( sharp angles are terrible at handling these forces) the second would be increased need for energy as it turned... Lots of others im sure...

    As for my neigh sayer friends: :P

    Remote control tv's wernt invented by people who said it cant be done. Every awesome piece of technology starts as somebody's "why not?" moment ;) 10 years ago plasma shields were bullshit science fiction. Today they are small scale reality :)


    Good morning,

    Don't forget that in 1898 Tesla demonstrated a radio controlled boat in New York. Even radio controlled items are commonplace now, that was not the case then. That boat was a toy, a hobby of his if you will. People to this day make replicas of his earlier works.


    Telsa also worked on remote operated missles for various goverments, I guess back in the day you could travel the world with less restriction. Because of Tesla we have radar, x-ray, sonar, MRI, wireless transmission, radio ( marconi did not come up with it on his own ) flourescent lighting, television, alternating current ( something that some beleived could not be done ), the list goes on.... If you can find the Complete Book of his patents it is quite amazing. It disappeared from all the Libraries in my area. I used to check it out regularly. One day I could not get it as it was unavailable. I figured it was just checked out, perhaps to another Branch in my state. Nope. Gone for good. Telsa was cranking out useful inventions right and left, some say it was to finance his ultimate goal. A wingless flying craft powered by electricity. His apartment was raided by the Government before his corpse was cold, everthing was taken. Interestingly, on his 81st birthday he revealed some of his thoughts on gravity and how it was affected by electromagnetism. He called it his Dynamic Theory of Gravity. There were other discoveries that he would not speak of. He also critiqued Einstien's theories wich was not popular at the time. I believe both men were correct in many ways. Tesla's theories, if true, were best kept secret from the Governments point of view. Keep in mind that everything you buy from your I-pad to your smart phone is hand-me-down technology no longer needed by the military. Anything you hear about is old news. Anything you are allowed to see in public is old tech.

    Interesting reading here:'s_Dynamic_Theory_of_Gravity

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