ManMade UFO Caught On Google Earth?

by metatron 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Indeed elderite, i just mean i think the gov black projects are more pilotless drones than ufos

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Rubber cannons sound interesting. But I prefer phasers on stun.”


    I’m with ya, man. My phaser always works better on stun.

    Marvin Shilmer


    Electo-propulsion is a whole different animal. There is no friction. Imagine a charge of energy. It travels along a specified path like a copper wire. Now it is a current, or a charge being carried by a medium, in this case a copper wire. Now imagine that yourself insulated inside of a charged hull, but instead of having to follow a wire, you make your own path ahead of you and you are pulled along that path. The path must be pre-programmed ahead of time and can now be done faster with the aid of computers. Now more hovering around for 20 minutes while you check you compass and make sure your gyros are working like in the 50's. You can take whatever shaped path you want, it doesn't matter. You can go 200 miles turn at a 90 degree angle without decreasing speed. Go another 5,000 miles and turn straight into the ocean or leave the atmosphere. You don't feel a thing inside the craft. Plasma or nuclear, those are just better engines running the equipment to generate the extremely high voltages needed to generate the " wire " to pull the craft through the medium, in this case the Aether, the very medium our planet and we ourselves are surrounded and penetrated by. The Aether is real, very real. That is one major reason why it is constantly de-bunked. It is limitless and everywhere. You just have to interact with it. Everything else pays for this type of research. All our taxes, all the money we pay for fuel, all of it adds to the budget.

    The space shuttle, SR-71 built in 1957 ( LOL!!) anything using internal combustion or liquid fuels, even solid rocket propulsion fuel is a sick joke by comparison. There is a limit to air-craft that use wings and fuel. That limit is the medium of the atmosphere. You can only go so fast and so high. There are no such limits for the Electro-propulsive variety. If you had to wear a suit made to channel high voltages around your body and specialized head gear to keep from being blinded and you step out of your ship, someone would think you were an alien.


  • elderelite

    dat, i agree such a propulsion system would make any current known means of propulsion antiquated.... but i was not aware these things were actually in use

    i also am unsure of the science that would change the laws of physics. you say

    You can take whatever shaped path you want, it doesn't matter. You can go 200 miles turn at a 90 degree angle without decreasing speed. Go another 5,000 miles and turn straight into the ocean or leave the atmosphere. You don't feel a thing inside the craft. (bold mine)

    Im not sure how the means of propulsion affects the laws of mass. No matter HOW you move the mass (the mass of your body for one) it will respond and be felt when you change direction....


    What about being in space and moving at thousands of miles per hour in a zero G enviroment? What would you feel if you were going to Mars? I don't know? I am asking. Once gravity is out of the equation whats the impact on a human body? It's not like you are in an F-14 pulling 4 G's. I am just having fun theorizing. Perhaps the early craft the Tesla and others developed had limits beyond what a human could take. Tesla himself reportedly became very ill at times because of the effects of being near high voltages. Maybe there is a cost? Just because it can be done, doesn't make it healthy. Maybe drones are used the majority of the time. Who knows!!?!!....

  • Chariklo

    Thanks, Metatron, this is indeed very interesting.

    Nothing original to say about this, just thanks, and I'm bookmarking!

  • Bobcat


    I'm with ya, man. My phaser always works better on stun.

    I think your website is stunning.

  • elderelite

    ok data, i got you. You are saying theoreticaly possible to do those things, not that it could be done without consequence


    There are always consequences. Think Philadelphia Experiment and the unified field theory. Electrical Force and Gravitational Force and Magnetic Force all influence each other. Increase the power of any 1 force and you influence the remaining forces and crazy stuff happens. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Electro-propulsive craft would glow because of charged plasma, in this case our atmosphere. That could explain some sightings from the past. I also believe there is a museum of aviation that shows some past projects that scientists were trying out. There was some crazy experimental craft they were working on. I highly doubt they share the success stories with John Q. Public Taxpayer III. I don't think we will ever know the real truth. Even so-called insiders don't know it all because of compartmentalized info. If they do know something chances are they won't tell because they will have their life ruined. Kinda like JW's saying what they read in The Harp of God at a Watchtower Study.. your screwed.

  • Satanus

    So far, this tech is only for the illuminatti. Seriously though, the secret military stuff is always ahead of the civilian usage. Also, if you wanna eliminate g forces from turns, you simply need to fill the plane area around the pilot w liquid. G force, gone.


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