ManMade UFO Caught On Google Earth?

by metatron 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    The pessure of the air inside the body can simply be adjusted to match the surrounding water pressure. All it takes is the same mechanisms that a scuba diver uses.

    Trying again to explain. It's like wieghtlessness in a pool. The water surrounding the pilot acts in almost the same way as the water inside the pilots body, thus, the g forces and pressures are almost the same. While he might feel something, the principles of boyancy apply. This isn't rocket science (well, maybe it is, in this case).


  • Satanus

    Even though water is not compressable, it still gains wieght w g force, both the water outside ones body and inside. Therefore, they are equal, and g force felt is neutralized, basically. There is buoyancy in regular one g or ten g. Don't matter.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    You’re thinking inside the water.

    Think outside the water.

    When the water suddenly turns what happens to that water, and how is that consequential to whatever is inside that water?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Satanus

    You are talking slosh, ie water movement. That is something else than what i was talking about. However, i think i see what you are worried about. The water movement could be arrested or damped by turning the water into a jel. Yes yes, i know, peanut butter. Hold the peanut butter, use the jelly.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Call it slosh, call it smack. We can call it whatever we want. Every action has an equal reaction. Turn water on a dime or turn it on the salt flats, that energy has to be transferred somewhere, somehow and to some extent, which will have its own reaction of course.

    In the end, whatever happens to the water directly affects whatever is inside that water.

    In this case we’re right back to the part where the coyote is doing that face-plant thing he always does, right before he punches another hole in the sand.

    Maybe he should try that surrounded by water!

    What’ya think?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Satanus

    Surrounded by water, the water also wants to do a face plant. Result, since there is water already there, between the pilots face and the other surface, the water outside the pilots face does the face plant instead of the pilots face doing it. Result, pilots face is saved. Too bad wiley coyote didn't have the same protection.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Surrounded by water, the water also wants to do a face plant. Result, since there is water already there, between the pilots face and the other surface, the water outside the pilots face does the face plant instead of the pilots face doing it. Result, pilots face is saved.”

    Um,… tell that one at the next lecture hall. Let me know how it goes.

    Maybe they’ll offer to let you put yourself in a waterballon where you’re completely surrounded by water and jump from a height to prove your idea. Tell me how that g-force thing works out.

    Or, maybe you should write Myth-busters. I’m sure it’d make for a great show!

    Marvin Shilmer


    Alright. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There is no way around it. can alter the reactions. Here is what I think is a good example. Let's say Wiley Coyote goes to the top of the tallest building and jumps off. He reaches terminal velocity and whammo!! He is killed, not by the fall, but by the sudden stop. His body could not handle the force caused by the sudden stop which was a reaction to the energy of his fall. It had to go somewhere. Now imagine he jumps off the same building but this time encased in a sphere made of and filled with shock absorbing materials. He still reaches terminal velocity, he still hits. The energy is displaced as he rolls and bounces until he finally stops. He opens the sphere and walks away. All we did was s-l-o-w the sudden stop, cheating really. The equal and opposite reaction still happened we just stretched it out a bit. You can cheat or bend the rules.

  • elderelite

    satanus, a scuba diver dosent use anything to equalize the air in his body except air. As he breathes he is taking in more air molecules per breath as he goes deeper. He can also equalize his ears (sinus cavities) by pinching his nose and blowing.. but that has nothing to do with G force translation.

    the problem will be that the water moves with the craft. the pilot would be pushed to the back and against the seat just as he would if there were no water. I wonder if he wouldnt have MORE weight applied to him. Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon (well sea water) and that weight would push against him..... i dont think the physics works out on this one

  • Satanus


    The scuba diver has a REGULATOR that increases his air pressure as he descends. In other words, the pressure of the air he breathes is increased to equalize the pressure of the surrounding water. AND that is the same thing that needs to be done for the pilot. The increased pressure from the g-forced water necesitates increased pressure for the air that the pilot breaths, so that his lungs won't collapse, and the gas in his blood, of course.

    If the pilot is surrounded by water, ie, if he has water underneath him, instead of a chair, that water would be presurized w the same g-force as his body, whether it's one g or 8 gs, and the pilot would remain neutraly buoyant. The water underneath him would be pushing back at 8 g's. This is all covered in archimedes' principle.


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