Obama ignores subpoena in CA- he is in now default

by moshe 77 Replies latest social current

  • 144001

    Really, Moshe?

    I personally dislike Obama too, but I dislike the "birthers" much more than I dislike Obama. In my opinion, "birther" is a nice way of saying Ku Klux Klansman. The "birther" issue has been debunked, Trump looked like the bad-haired asshole that he is, and now the only folks continuing with this non-issue are the racists.

  • moshe
  • Razziel

    I don't know about subpoenas but president's aren't immune from civil suits while they are in office. President Clinton was sued and he claimed immunity while in office and it went to the supreme court. He lost. Can't believe everybody has forgotten that.

  • moshe

    Lots of people who question Obama have been called a racist, it's a very trite mind-stopping word deployed to avoid reading unpleasant news about Obama. If anything, it shows the willingness of people to remain ignorant, rather than examining the evidence against the published Obama nativity narrative. Larry Sinclair says Obama is gay- is he a racist for doing that?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    She's a joke in the legal community, i.e, Moshe loves her.


    Paul Lentz sums it best:

    Meh. Three years ago, Judge Carter attempted (and it was a valiant attempt; as helpful as I've ever seen) to school and then assist Taitz in proper service of the President of the United States. As now, the situation then was similar if not entirely parallel. Taitz asked for a default then (on improper service), just as she asks for one now. Although Taitz appears to have forgotten about that (Judge Carter eventually assisted Taitz in effecting proper service via the cooperation of the local US Attorney's office), I suspect Judge Carter has not.

    Orly Taitz is a fuck up. Nothing is different today than it was in 2009...although I suspect that this time Judge Carter's referral to the California Bar Association might be just a wee bit more stringent than it was 3 years ago, and will probably include, along with the Judd case, a reference to her recent, failed 60B motion to reopen the Barnett|Keyes v. Obama long-dead case (which Carter dismissed with little fanfare).

    Ultimately, it will be the judges Taitz has abused who will be her undoing, and I think it won't be that much longer. Not "any-day-now," but not another two years, either. I believe she will be disbarred by SCOTUS within a year (and it's unusual for SCOTUS disbarment to precede state disbarment), and by the CA Bar within 18 months. Don't have any specific reason to believe that, by the way...it's just what I think will happen.

  • moshe
    Can't believe everybody has forgotten that.

    Thank you-

    I get a new crop of naysayers every month- they fail to refute anything I present, get disgusted, call me names and then go back to their comfort zone.

    consider this-

    A policeman sees a suspicious acting person wearing a hoodie leave a bank quickly- look around and jump into a waiting car- he is carrying a duffle bag. Does the policeman do anything? No- he has no evidence a crime was committed. When the bank alarm goes off a few seconds later- he goes -Aha! I think I saw the bank robber- then the detective work starts in earnest. The man leaving the bank is black, so the policeman must be a racist for even thinking he is acting suspiscious- that is life in America.

    The alarm will go off and Obama knows it will eventually happen-2012, 2013, 2014- it will happen. Worrying about , "when' will drive him mad--

  • moshe

    Past performance of Dr Orly Taitz is no guaranteed indicator of failure tomorrow. She has been backstabbed quite a few times by the clerks in the courthouse (democrat operatives?), who attemp to derail her cases, by losing files, briefs, changing dates, delaying procedings- lots of dirty tricks to slow down cases coming to the court room right now- It is to her advantage that people think her a fool, if it causes them to fail to prepare a good legal defense.

  • DaCheech

    moshe, I appreciate your zeal and work, but nobody's gonna get anywhere whith this.

    the coverup is so deep, and any birthers are labeled racists.

    we will find out in 30 years, and the Obama cult don't care................. they have personally said that by then who will care, and their idol has already done his deed!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    She has been backstabbed quite a few times by the clerks in the courthouse (democrat operatives?), who attemp to derail her cases, by losing files, briefs, changing dates, delaying procedings- lots of dirty tricks to slow down cases coming to the court room right now- It is to her advantage that people think her a fool, if it causes them to fail to prepare a good legal defense.

    Hhhmmm...vast conspiracy, OR...in the alternative...she is F'd-UP and doesn't understand service, and STILL hasn't figured out the how to effectuate "service" on the President, despite a judge explaining...in...great...detail...the process.

  • designs

    The GLOBE

    Let's see now Lion King, leader of the newly reconstituted MauMau, Muslim terrorist, Communist, Socialist, Foreigner, Gay-Bi-Hetero whatever, sperm donor, Atheist, sometime Baptist, have we missed anything....oh yeah he kicked Romney's ASSS the other night

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