What Can We Do to Show How We Cared about Oompa?

by Band on the Run 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I know others have posted on the original thread. Several people, including myself, would like to do something concrete to show our concerns re: his treatment by the JW, and how important he was to all of us here. I suggested a handwritten note, on behalf of the whole community here, flowers, and perhaps a donation to a charity that helps people get back on their feet. A leading psychiatric md once told me that psychiatry cannot alter crappy circumstances. Oompa had his share of crappy circumstances.

    Rather than just post about it, would those particularly close to Oompa form a sort of committee and recommend an action to commemorate Oompa. Certainly, he was depressed. Does anyone here doubt that the WT made his burden too heavy for Oompa to bear. REading his posts now, I am very torn apart. HIs pain was so palpable.

    His experience was so universal. Has anyone here not despaired when shunned? God does give us more than we can bear. People crumple under the weight every day.

    I want to do something. Of course, where do we send the note or flowers? I would defer to people who know his situation well. Perhaps a note to his KH, removed of rancor, stating what a wonderful man he was, would be appropriate. I simply do not know.

  • Scott77

    Please, donate part of your check to Freeminds.org and Watchtower documents .


  • NeverKnew

    I'm with you Band!

    I really want to do something positive to show that he was loved.

  • lisaBObeesa

    maybe on one particular day, we could swamp his kingdom hall with condolence flowers....lots and lots of arrangements from all kinds of people ...people who cared, people the JWs didn't even know....just polite condolence flowers expressing LOVE....maybe with donations to suicide prevention organizations in his memory....

    I'd like to see the kingdom hall covered in these flowers from all the country, from all over the world...

  • AGuest

    We can choose not to let them send him silently off into the night as if he never mattered:


    He did matter and so that was my choice.

    Peace to you all!

    Servant to dear Eric and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who chose not to continue the status quo of "I'm scared of the Watchtower" silence but to expose what was is really behind tragedies like this...

    I'd like to see the kingdom hall covered in these flowers from all the country, from all over the world...LoB

    A nice gesture but they would be thrown out..No one would care.....

    Send them to his parents home..

    His Family are the ones that need to know,people cared about Eric more than they did..

    ................................... OUTLAW

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I like your thinking Shelby. I'm going to check the site out right now.


    Hey Shelby!..

    Thats awesome!..

    It needs a thread of it`s own..


  • AGuest

    Why not both, dear OUTLAW (the greatest of love and peace to you!)? Maybe someone has... and can post... the address(es)?

    We are many, dear ones, and so have a loud voice if we speak TOGETHER. We are united, if not in faith, then in love for dear Eric. Indeed, we should make our voices heard in some way EVERY time such a tragedy occurs. By THAT... they will know that even with our differences we are more of Christ's disciples than they EVER could be... because it would truly be LOVE... and not our particular BELIEFS... that "unite" us.

    This is our opportunity... for dear Eric... and others like him. Lose the spirit of cowardice.. speak up... and SHAME that devil... as often as we can!

    Again peace to you ALL!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Dagney

    My thoughts are on the line of Outlaw's. what if the family received a thousand sympathy cards. With their cognitive dissonance, they may not change. But it would be a great visual testament to everybody, the mailman, the neighbors...maybe even mail to his work address, wife, parent Kingdom Hall.

    Just thinking out loud.

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