Post 666: Revelation--Its Grand Climax in 70 AD

by Londo111 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7

    Pterist: Thank you! Thank you!

  • Pterist

    Van the Man

  • *lost*


    ( haven't watched it yet... saving for tomorrow)

    What are thoughts on the 'church age' and is it coming to an end.

  • Pterist

    @lost " What are thoughts on the 'church age' and is it coming to an end """

    The apostle Paul seems to think so.... Romans 11: 25 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and in this way [e] all Israel will be saved.

    Jesus also said that within history there would be a separating of the wheat from the weeds within "earthly universal Christendom".

    The book of Revelation @ 20:4-6 seems to suggest that those born from above Galatians 4:26, conquer the Adamic nature in this life, Romans 8:37, and pass from death to life, no final second death "complete destruction"for them. This ends the symbolic 1000 years, which I believe is the church age of grace and gift of Holy Spirit.

    This end of the "church age" seems to usher in the judgement of the "world of mankind" NOT Christians revelation 20:11 which are judged based on their earthly life by the ONLY one who can read hearts and minds. .....

    Who knows what the eternal state of NewHeavens and New Earth are like, as it is transformed from mortality to immortality! ... History, I believe, is linear to that eternal goal NOT cyclical going nowhere. It began and ended at the cross, when Jehovah through his personified Wisdom, predestined his creation for glory and immortality. Ephesians 1:5-10, Romans 8:19-23.

    Shalom in Christ !

  • *lost*

    yes interseting. my notes say 2000 yrs.

    so when was the church, founded

    ( I think this means RCC and organised religion, although 'false' there were a lot of 'good'christian folks who shouldn't be burned with the weeds )

    Adamic sin, yes, mastering it, as best one can. It's a refining process. suffering makes man a better 'man'

  • Pterist

    @Lost **** yes interseting. my notes say 2000 yrs. ****

    Which notes ? ;)

  • *lost*

    gosh P,

    lol, I got like 3 notebooks on the go here, I just keep jotting down and taking notes of anything and everything that has some relvance.

    I shall see can I find exactly where I picked up that bit of info

  • Pterist

    @Lost **** my notes say 2000 yrs. ***....

    It is quite conceivable that the church age could span the life expectancy of our little solar system, approx 14 billion years as considered to be left on the clock. However, this makes no difference to us PERSONALLY as we have a life span of seventy years (if we are so blessed) to account for.

    Peter's 2 letter is considered a much later work, where after 70 AD, the author seems to be pointing to thousands of years, 2 peter 3:8, rather than the earlier letters from Peter and Paul, pertaining to the last days of Israel in 70AD. The emphasis here is awaiting the "Lords Day " and the "new heavens and new earth" 2 Peter seems also to suggest that it's NOW a LITERAL cosmic event where the description of the physical elements are being destroyed like the physical flood, and could be just the natural way our solar system would burn out or be engulfed by a black hole. However, the New heavens New Earth, aka the Jerusalem above is already a spiritual reality since 70AD, to be finalized.....whenever ! Just sayin ;)

    Shalom my friend !

  • *lost*

    nah P - sorry to disagree bud.

    From my research it is the earthly spiritual 'government' kingdom which comes in. We are clearly told the earth will not be destroyed, remember the rainbow, God was so grieved (pained) that he had to do what he did, the earth and everything on it had become so corrupted by the demons, corruption of species etc. nephilim, cannabalism etc. which gives us an idea of how bad it was (book of enoch says God actually wept cause of the state of it all )

    I never really thought too much about the rainbow, then when researching i discovered, ante-deluvian period. climate was tropical. there were no seasons like we have now, no rain. so how could there possibly be rainbows ? bing, light bulb moment.

    It was only after the flood when everything had shifted and changed,, we had a rainbow, that's why its' mentioned, that's why its special. I f something is directly mentioned in the Bible, then it has to have some special meaning, why else would it be there, the book is very vague on a lot of things, which gives weight to the theory there are missing books texts we don't know about, why were they hidden away ?

    Naoh and the gang had a pritty hard time of it., that's why they were then allowed to eat meat, to survive. that is why the fear of man was put into the animals, so men couldn't get near them again to corrupt them, and make it too easy for them to kill them (for sport ?) we have learned there is a lot of cruelty and sick people in the world. Beastiality, its very specific on that too - but why. there are so many things we just don't know.

    Look more into ''just like in the days of Noah '' how things would be. what people would be like, their qualities. All of creation is groaning and crying out, Rhinos. elephants, gorillas, whales, sharks, seal, so on so forth, man has even made some amazing species extinct. Hell even the bumble bee is in danger now of extiction, if bees goes, there will be NO FOOD PRODUCTION. bees are the pollinators.

    The great black horse, where shires come from, but they were bigger. barbabry lions, aurochs, huge mastiffe dogs... dodo, tasmanian tiger. etc.

    Deforestation etc.

    See the tragedy of the commons

    see book rebuilding the veil - how the 3 major cults (faiths) seperate God from man.

    Ok I got that info now on the church age

    bible study

    the prophetic - don koenig

    7 churches of revelation ?

    laodicean Church age.

    she was lukewarm or indifferent

    she was rich materially but she was spiritually poor

    she said she could see but she was blind ( Jesus vomits her out )

    Only when the gospel became so watered down that it no longer contained a message of salvation could Laodicea arrive in full force in the institutional churches.

    \most members today of churches do not even know the plan of salvation.

    many members do not know the Bible. they have never read it.

    Christian leaders today are twisting the word of God to conform to their own pet theories and few of their followers are any wiser because of the Biblical ignorance that prevails in christianity.

    Theirs is the seeker friendly purpose driven growth movement that has so watered down christianity that the Jesus tha shed his blood on the cross for mans sin can hardly be found

    they follow a counterfeit Jesus.

    the leaven is now inflating the whole loaf (corruption) No meat.

    2 Peter 3;1

    Peter said that in the last days scoffers would come walking after their own lusts.

    willfully ignorant of certain passages of the scriptures.

    God has judged the world in the past and He will judge it in the future.

    Peter was tallking to the church about false teachers in the church. ''false teachers'' mocking the watchmen in the church



  • Pterist

    @Lost " nah P - sorry to disagree bud."

    No problem, we have the freedom to agree or disagree, as eschatology understanding is not a basis for salvation. We are justifed by Christ blood, sanctified as we are led by Spirit (his resurrected power) to overcome our Adamic nature NOW, and will be glorified in a resurrection like his if we overcome in our own personal eschatology aka our life span regardless of historic eschatology.

    FYI, Don Koenig is from the school of Futurist Premillenialism, which as you know is one of many views. The view here on this thread is preterism or partial preterism and in my case Partial Preterism/ Amillennialism. All views have strong points and weaknesses. I'm not saying I'm right in this regard, just that it makes more sence to me. :)

    Shalom friend.

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