Why reincarnation doesn,t make sense.

by jam 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • botchtowersociety
    How was KS making u look silly Talesin?

    I don't know. Seems like she did it herself. She's a drama queen.

    On the subject, I've explored it. Recently I've visited a Tibetan Buddhist temple a couple of times. It is very interesting, and surprisingly similar to certain kinds of Christianity in many ways.


    One day we will all reincarnate as gladiators but don't get too excited - there is a waiting list.


    "Recently I've visited a Tibetan Buddhist temple a couple of times. It is very interesting, and surprisingly similar to certain kinds of Christianity in many ways."

    BTS - You have an admirably balanced perspective.

  • botchtowersociety
    One day we will all reincarnate as gladiators but don't get too excited - there is a waiting list.

    Lulz. Someone once "read" me and said I was formerly a legionary.


    “Lulz. Someone once "read" me and said I was formerly a legionary.”

    I can believe that. You have blunted my gladius once or twice.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Gladiator said:

    Hold on! Kingdom halls are full of people like that. In fact Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the few religions who claim they do not have souls.

    Really? Are you serious? I didn't know that (and I've been away from the JWs for about 30 yrs).

    Interesting though, since the OT is literally peppered with the Hebrew words 'ruah' and 'nephesh', variously translated as 'life-force', 'spirit', 'soul', etc. They believe in Holy Spirit, also believe in God-Inspired, but not other types of souls/spirits?

    They believe in supernatural demons which can possess humans, animals, etc, but they don't believe in human souls? In fact, the whole reason blood is prohibited eats for JWs is based on the idea of the nephesh being associated with, found in, the blood. Supposedly the nephesh must be liberated after killing the animal, as atonement for the sin of murdering the animal. That's why strangled animals are prohibited as food: the nephesh gets tangled up inside the flesh, and can't be liberated without a pulsing heart-beat of the animal causing it to bleed to death.

    I guess if I was more interested in JW doctrine I'd research their disbelief in a soul, but frankly, the whole idea of soul/spirit is so goofy, with not even a shred of scientific evidence to support it, it's kind of a waste of time unless done for entertainment purposes (or arguably as a pseudo-stimulus for doing good things, ie the whole karma thing).

  • Glander

    Three f' n pages on why reincarnation doesn't make sense?

    What is "sense" in this context

    I avoid killing spiders because they help reduce mosquitos, etc. It has never crossed my mind that they might have been a human being in the past.

    mental masturbation

  • jam

    Glander; That,s funny.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Glander said:

    I avoid killing spiders because they help reduce mosquitos, etc. It has never crossed my mind that they might have been a human being in the past.

    Uh-oh..... Don't look now, but I think someone just guaranteed themselves they're going to be reincarnated as a spider in the next go-around....

  • Etude

    I knew a guy who had a personal ethic that prevented him from killing anything. He was once innudated by ants crawling all over his desk in our IT data center after all the spilt soda, candy and food remnants from lunch and snacks. I asked why he wouldn't squash them and that's when he told me he couldn't hurt living things because practiced some sort of Buddhism. So, he called in the company exterminators to take care of the problem.


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