Why reincarnation doesn,t make sense.

by jam 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    What,s the selecting process in appointing the

    next Dalai Lama ? I believe the child supposedly

    can recall things from a previous life, making him

    the next Dalai Lama. Now do I believe he will be

    the reincarnation of todays Dalai Lama, no.

  • talesin

    King Solomon

    First, let me say that I do NOT believe in reincarnation.

    Um,. I knew scientific formulas , math stuff in high school,, and intuitive things about people, and how they feel. Scoff if you want!!! but I am NOT saying this is a mystical thing. There is science behind it,, even if I/we don't know where my knowledge comes from.

    Don't try to make me look silly, because that is NOT who I am. grrrrr


  • mP

    Reincarnation is simply a personficiation of the Sun and its daily life journey, where it rises and dies every day.

  • talesin

    In fact, KS, with your asshole comment, you have me on a rant.

    Have YOU read Carl Sagan's book,,, Science as a Candle in the Dark? that talks about the fact that the most important part of being a SCIENTIST is having curiosity? And WONDERING about what may BE?

    Stop fucking making fun of people, you arse.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Talesin said:

    "Don't try to make me look silly, because that is NOT who I am. grrrrr "

    Relax: I simply asked for one example of something you feel humans are born with knowing, as you said it so matter-of-factly. No one's making you look silly... If you can't say one, then fine, but it seemed like you had SOMETHING in mind, so I thought I'd ask.... Cuz AFAIK, there is very little that can be considered as in-born knowledge....

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Have YOU read Carl Sagan's book,,, Science as a Candle in the Dark

    I'm adding that to my list...thanks tal...

  • Etude

    Hmmm...Strong feelings here about the subject. I guess reincarnationists must not believe in God, at least the God of the Bible because believing in God that would mean exactly the opposite: that "souls" originate (like Adam and Eve) and never come back. So, everyone after Adam and Eve came back from another life where? Nowhere, they were just new "souls", therefore "reincarnation" is inconsistent with "belief in the Bible". Otherwise, we could arbitrarily say that maybe Adam and Eve's most recent apparitions are Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachmann, one clueless dude and a crazy-ass bitch, over and over again. If reincarnation ocurred, it would seem that souls just keep coming back engendering new souls which also come back. That'a a lot of competition and terrorists get to blow themselves up over and over again until they get it right.



    So you want proof that reincarnation takes place. See how the apostrophe in the thread title has reincarnated as a comma.

    If there is no such thing as reincarnation, then how come I have reincarnated as a gladiator? Just look at my picture.

    If I don't exist, how come I am typing these words? Go figure!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Gladiator said:

    "So you want proof that reincarnation takes place, see how the apostrophe in the thread title has reincarnated as a comma."

    It obviously got sent to Hell. :) Etude points out the irony of someone starting a topic about what doesn't make sense about the concept of a soul, but instead of discussing that point, the "soul evangelists" ignore that issue to profess and share their thoughts and beliefs in a soul. This is just like a faithful xian who feels the need to turn threads about evolution into their opportunities to defend the glory of their God at every perceived challenge they see (and atheists do the same, as well). But do NOT dare question their attempted-hijacking of a thread, or someone's going to get hurt.... :)

  • jemba

    How was KS making u look silly Talesin?

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