Why reincarnation doesn,t make sense.

by jam 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry


    In-carnate=become meat

    Chili con carne= chili + meat

    Where do these souls or spirits come from and why do they become, in effect, THINKING meat?

    Who keeps track of it? Who regulates the process? Who monitors the inventory of souls and meat types?

    If Charlie Soul#1 keeps getting recycled a thousand times, each time he only appears as one form of meat, right? One dragonfly or one turtle.

    Yet, the population of humans continues to grow and grow and grow into the Billions!

    Wouldn't the population of souls LIMIT how many insects, animals and humans are possible?

    Otherwise, something or somebody somewhere is whipping up fresh batches of NEW SOULS for meat bodies.

    Doesn't add up.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    OR, someone's counterfeiting souls, making a lot of duplicates... Who would know, passing one off in China, another in India, etc?

    But more importantly, do you get to choose which flavor of meat you'll be? If so, put me down for Kobe beef (dare to dream large...). ;)

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    My view on reincarnation is, we are all God.

    We are little parts of God. Spirits in the material world.

    I dont think we are leaning anything. We are entertaining ourselves.

    Earth and places like it are amusement parks. There are all kinds of rides. The ant ride, the worm ride, the dog ride

    the human ride. If we could absolutely positively remember who we were, it wouldnt be as entertaining.

    The only way we realize we have reincarnated is by examining all of the possibilities and seeing that

    reincarnation is a posibility.

    We are all one, we are all pilgrams searcing for our home.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I dont think anyone is being punished by being born a witness, a flea, or a tree.

    They are all experiences to be enjoyed and are short little miniscule blips in eternity.

    I suspect we choose what to be before we come here or a place like this.

    But the rule we make with ourself is we can not know from where we came.

    We can only figure it out while we are here.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The ancient Greeks believed in the concept of a soul mate, wherein souls were split in half, but shipped not as a pair, but separated, with each needing to find the other on Earth.

    Pretty cruel belief, as it's hard enough keeping pairs of socks together thru a washer/dryer cycle, let alone having to hunt the Earth for one that's missing.... ;)


    Ah! Regarding Terry's lack of souls. Some say that due to the lack of souls many people now no longer have souls. This accounts for the lack of spiritual interest among so many people who live only for the pleasures of the flesh. Concerned only with life on earth and their physical bodies; zombie like and lacking any sense of direction.

    Hold on! Kingdom halls are full of people like that. In fact Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the few religions who claim they do not have souls.

  • Etude

    Since some of us are now offering alternatives to reincarnation (being all part of 'god' for one), I'd like to opt for one of Paul Davies' (a well-know physicist) suggestions and select that what we are all part of a virtual reality simulation that we sometimes get to play over again. Otherwise I would have to allow for the possibility that some of us have reincarnated as rocks, by virtue of being as dumb as one. If I can't figure out how the uselessness of some individuals fit in the grand scheme of things, perhaps I need to consider that there isn't a grand scheme of things.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    If I can't figure out how the uselessness of some individuals fit in the grand scheme of things, perhaps I need to consider that there isn't a grand scheme of things

    There is no Grand Scheme, its just entertainment its the only show in town.

    Its an amusement park, When you get off this ride, you get on another one.

    Unless you dont want to. You can just hang out in the spirit realm, and reflect on your experiences, but that gets boring,

    that's why we come back here and places like this.

  • Diest

    Well Jam, if you live a good life you will come back as Preserves. If you live a bad life you will come back as Jelly.

  • Etude

    James Brown: "There is no Grand Scheme." Exactly my point. And that is precisely why I disagree that when when you get off this ride you get onto another. No. When you get off the ride, the ride ends -- period -- end of sentence. There's no "hanging out" anywhere.

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