Who On This Site Would You Like To Meet?

by minimus 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria
  • Berengaria

    I'd like to meet FrozenRockNeckDude, just out of morbid curiosity. In a well lit public place of course. Maybe metal detectors...............

  • botchtowersociety

    I really don't want to list names because I would leave too many people out!

    There are many people I'd love to meet in real life here.

    So many wonderful, free people.

    Blessings to all.


  • skeeter1

    Oh, the "ape" guy. What's his name? The one with the Chimpanzee as his avatar.

  • Farkel

    : Farkel seems like a grouchy cantankerous fellow but I think he'd be very interesting company!

    No. I'm an idiot and a total bore. I kick dogs and eat feral cats (if I can catch them, which is becoming more difficult).

    My name was mentioned enough times in this thread that I'm now paranoid. I'm going to return here as Obves!

    I've met Mr. Flipper, by the way. We live in the same part of Iceland, just outside of Reykjavik. He likes to ski and I like to play beach volleyball and surf. Even had lunch with him and Flipper Lite, his son. He said I was an idiot and a total bore, and I thanked him for his kind words. Most people have a much harsher view of me.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Very happy to have had a luncheon with Da Farkel and my children a couple years ago.

    (We'll have to do it again next time we're in your neck of the woods Doug.)

    And since I always want what I cannot have:





    p.s. Oh, and of course, the whole lot of the rest of you.

  • watson

    I would like to meet Leo, Blondie, the librarian, Farkel, Flipper and Outlaw.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I forgot Cofty.

  • LouBelle

    there are so many that i would like to meet: flyinghigh, mr flipper, hampsterbait, uncle bruce, oompa, just off the top of my head. i have met kurtbethal and showed him around town. whenever i get to the usa i'll be meeting up with as many as i can. if you're way down south, pop in and visit me :)

  • undercover

    I'm an idiot and a total bore.

    Now everyone will want to meet you. Imagine how smart and entertaining one would seem next to an idiot and total bore. "See? I'm smarter and funnier than Farkel"!

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