The best tactic Anonymous could use against the Society is to make them look noble and humble

by JonathanH 56 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Giordano

    Good......... we've put our big boy pants on. The letter is fine Cedars. Witness my fury write a letter that you feel is closer to the way the society would. Post it on your own thread for a discussion.

    I am always amazed how a topic can become a shouting match between two people with real anger over a subject that should have us nodding our heads in appreciation. The result it tramples some good information into the dirt and just discourages others from weighing in.

    (Sticking sharp pencil in eye for some comic relief)

  • james_woods

    I will say it again: I do not support Anonymous because I believe that what they are doing is illegal.

    It cheapens the message of legitimate ex-JWs.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    James_woods are you some kind of JW sympathiser too? I'm shocked to find another one so quickly within this very thread!

    The law of unintended consequences may very well be invoked...

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I really do wish everyone would stop bashing ceader. I also truly wish when ones get upset with him they would stop using the F word toward him. It is against posting guidelines and it really shows a lack of maturity on the part of the one using the F word if that is the only word you can come up with what are we twelve year old's here.

    From all the fighting that went on Monday and Tuesday toward ceader's and all the angry words hurled around at him I am thankful he is still here.

    I do not see anyone else on this board putting themselves out like he does with his web sight JWsurvey. You may not agree with him and you may not like him but please keep somethings to yourself. To call him a bully when you use the F bomb on him seems very rude.

    Many of us on this board are very thankful to Ceader for what he has done and from what I saw happen the start of this week I have lost a huge amount of respect for a lot of the ones who attacked him, and no I do not know him personally only from his posts here on the board and what he has been able to accomplish which is way more then any of those who bash him and use the F word toward him have.


  • isaacaustin

    I am all for Cedars and what he is working towards.

  • james_woods
    James_woods are you some kind of JW sympathiser too?

    Are you kidding me? Of course not. I have been posting here for over five years and you know better than that.

    But I am against breaking in to their servers like a Romanian hacker - it is a cheap, illegal trick.

    For the same reason that I am against going out and setting fire to Kingdom Halls.

    This stunt will accomplish nothing.

  • cedars

    Thanks, guys!


  • isaacaustin

    Anyone who thinks James_Woods is a JW sympathzer has not read any of his postings. Ridiculous comment.

  • blindnomore

    Illegal in who's eyes? In governments? Talking about disregarding laws of the land. The Watchtower has no regard for any government laws unless they benefit itself. It's all about a 'theocratic warfare!' Looks like the Watchtower finally ran into their match(except 'Anonymous' is acting in behalf of others while the Watchtower is all but others welfare).

    'Anonymous' reminds of me 'the asian Anonymous Hero behind the Mask' from during 1930's - 1940's who fought against injustice by Japaness that ocupying his Country. He has name thou: 'Gaksital' which means 'mask of a bride.' Oh, wait! Now that I think of it, his mask is very much smilar to that of 'Anonymous!'

    What's going on here? Is Anonymous a resurrected 'Gaksital?' In that case, I am in!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Aye, 'twas a joke, hence all the faces on the end of it to try and help make that point. ...and fail obviously.

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