Surprise Elder's Visit-FAIL

by iclone 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    They'll report back to the rest of the BoE that you've gone totally crazy. Then they'll report it to the CO the next time he comes around. Maybe he'll come by for an "encouraging visit."


    And give a talk in the congo with some 'warning' thoughts.

    Great job, iclone! I know you won't be surprised if they come back with a basic "Do you believe the WTS is Jehovah's organization?" and your answer will have to be yes or no.

    That's easy to answer:

    It doesn't matter what I believe but what does Jehovah believe. I am not going to be a judge of my brothers because it is unscriptural.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Whoo hoo!

    THAT is fantastic reasoning.

    Haven't seen or heard it before, but My God, it seems to apply.


  • blondie

    Very good, I used that myself once with an elder. In my case I stumbled over it doing some basic bible reading, sans WT publications. I realized that repentance was not a choice. Much like murder under the Law, no repentance, just the death penalty. It reminds me of the day it dawned on me that every time the WTS used the phrase "governing body" and cited Acts 15, that the phrase never occurred there, or anywhere in the bible. That's what happens when the WTS uses scripture snippets or citations (where few jws look it up) they condition the minds of the flock.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Jonah 3:11 sez:

    And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

    God is allowed to change his mind (via "regret") when He's demonstrating His Amazing Grace and Infinite Mercy.

    However, He's also immutable, which means He cannot change His mind, per 1 Samuel 15:29:

    "And also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind."

    Ehhh, just don't think about it: it'll make your life MUCH easier as a JW.

    PS regret is a 'surprise' emotion, hence inconsistent for an omniscient being who knows future events (I like to say that someone cannot sneak up on God and go, "BOO!!" to elicit a startle response from Him, since God already knows you're coming).

    Like I say, don't think about that one, either.... Get behind me, Logic! (eh, I mean Satan!)

  • shepherd

    Jonah demonstrates that there is a way for a prophet to keep his credibility even when he is wrong. Assuming there was some truth to the myth, Jonah says the city will be destroyed in 40 days. Nothing happens. So, God forgave them, LOL. It was not that the original prophesy was BS. Very clever.

    The JWs did something similar - they said 1914 was when Christ would return and of course he never. So they decided he did, but it was invisibly :)

    Well done on putting it to the elders, but they won't forgive you for it. It's just a matter of time before they get rid of you now.

  • whathappened

    Nice...thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Jonah demonstrates that there is a way for a prophet to keep his credibility even when he is wrong.

    Would that make Jonah the Messiah of Jehovah's Witnesses, even giving Jesus Himself a run for his money for the title of "failed prophet"?

    Well done on putting it to the elders, but they won't forgive you for it. It's just a matter of time before they get rid of you now.

    Yup, it's a flagrant violation of the lost 11th commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Be a Cheeky Little Monkey With Elders!"

  • Sheep2slaughter

    Excellent line of reasoning. Love it.

  • jwfacts

    great line of reasoning

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