Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you

by jam 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Hitting kids is teaching them that hitting is OK.

    I saw a woman beating the shit out of her 8 or 9 months old child this morning. Literally smacking it in the face, yelling at it to shut up, over and over. Since I have just taken my concealed carry carry class, I had just learned all the laws on using force in defense of others. I walked up and told her, calmly, that what she was doing could be deadly to the child and if did it again then I would have to defend the child. She yelled at me and I just stood there, waiting and looking at her. Eventually she walked off in a huff.

    I hope she doesn't take out her poor parenting and life skills on her child.

  • ShirleyW

    My question remains unanswered

    O Lord Jehoober, will someone please answer Cofty's question so we can end this ASAP ? Or at least inform Cofty there are millions of people that would never strike anyone ever and then there are millions of people who would definitely spank/hit/beat a child/and or adult.

  • mrsjones5

    Who is ths Cofty person and why does he think I need to justify myself to him?

    Im having a great day. I'm sitting in my dentist office at this moment about to get this damn tooth pulled that's been bugging me for years. Its a good day. I'll be on drugs later.

  • ShirleyW

    My widsom tooth has been sending me little "I'm still here" pains since last night. Is it a wisdom tooth you're getting yanked today? Let me know how it goes, for some reason I'm a bit chicken to get this tooth removed and I've had several extractions before.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Entirely Possible said:

    I saw a woman beating the shit out of her 8 or 9 months old child this morning. Literally smacking it in the face, yelling at it to shut up, over and over.

    As a licensed health-care provider in my State, I am legally-required to report all cases of suspected child abuse to the Child Welfare Agency so they can begin an investigation. The threshold is quite low: I don't need to see abuse while it's happening, or see bruises on the child, etc. Merely having a suspicion of abuse, even just a feeling that something's not quite right means I have to call, OR I AM LIABLE for failure to notify authorities.

    It was great that you stood up to her, but that was only a temporary fix: the real solution is to get a name, license plate, anything, etc and then report what you saw to the authorities who's job it is to investigate, even placing the child in temporary protective custody, if need be.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm a sanctioned care provider for the state of california. I'm also legally bound to report something like. Too bad I wasn't there.

  • 144001

    Wow, this thread has really grown and my response below is to a post by Wasblind on page 5 of this thread.

    Wasblind, Ive reread your posts and my responses and I believe I've done a poor job of articulating my thoughts on the issue. So hopefully this post will clarify my position.

    Yes, I think that corporal punishment is a brainless, lazy, and harmful way of disciplining children. I have children and I have not used corporal punishment in raising them. I am appalled that in our modern society, children must still fear beatings from bullies otherwise known as "parents."

    Having said that, I am a parent. I fully understand the difficult situations that can arise in raising children, and discipline is definitely a necessary thing. Therefore, I feel it is not my place to condemn any parent who uses corporal punishment without causing physical injury to their child as their method of discipline. I also don't believe that those who spank their kids love them any less than those who use better forms of discipline.

    Corporal punishment that results in physical injury is a different situation. It is a crime, and those who engage in such conduct ought to lose their children to child protective services and be sent to prison where they can live with others that share their love of violence.

  • mrsjones5

    Well hello sexy man! *waves*

    "My widsom tooth has been sending me little "I'm still here" pains since last night. Is it a wisdom tooth you're getting yanked today?"

    I got my wisdom teeth yanked out years ago. Boy was that a mother. I'm so thankful for codeine. No this is a tooth some crackpot dentist messed up and I don't have the resources at the moment to save it. The great state of California will pay for extraction but not dental care for adults. Which is ok, I will have access to a dental plan when I sign up with my union but I gotta get this bugger out first.

  • 144001

    Hello, Mrs. Jones!

    Note that I didn't address spankings/corporal punishment between consenting adults . . .

  • cofty

    will someone please answer Cofty's question so we can end this ASAP ? - ShirleyW

    That would be good. So far all we have had from your side is emotional replies and red herrings. So what is your answer?

    Or at least inform Cofty there are millions of people that would never strike anyone ever and then there are millions of people who would definitely spank/hit/beat a child/and or adult.

    Thats childishly simplistic Shirley.

    There are millions like me who would not hesitate to hit an adult in self-defense or in defense of another but who would never hit a child for any reason.

    Then there are people like you who see nothing wrong with hitting children but can't explain why they think its morally acceptable.

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