Greetings! My first post

by BU2B 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • smiddy

    After reading sseveninches,I went back and re-read Black Sheep`s post ,which I think is well worth dwelling upon,you dont let them control the discussion,you need to be in control at all times, do not let them sidetrack you in your conversation .YOU be the master of the discussion

    I was a master of deflection as most of you were,don`t let them have that victory over us , remember the tactics and use them against the witnesses who try to snare you.


  • dog is god
    dog is god

    jgnaut, great advice!!!! As far as "drink the blood of Christ" you have to remember that drinking blood as a sacrement existed long before the Christianity version. It is just another copycat like adopting xmas, Easter, the epic of Gilgamesh/Noah's flood. None of it is other than man made.

  • PaintedToeNail

    BU2B-Welcome and best of luck with your situation. Many of us have the same things going on, maybe that knowledge, that you are not alone in your struggle, will help you cope.

  • cantleave


  • wannabefree


    I can empathize.

  • BU2B

    Thank you all so much for your advice and empathy. It does help me a great deal to see that many have been in my shoes and have had good results, and many who are still in my shoes. I know I dont have the acting skills or ability to compartmentalize that some do, but I am managing from day to day so far, some days are better than others. Just came from the watchtower study ugghhh! Some of these lessons in the Kool-Aid edition would have been hard to swallow even when I was mentally in!! Especially the part about applying counsel from the WT and its like Jehovah talking to us directly!! Mind control at its best! So cultlike especially the pic of the sister studying about dress and grooming and then throwing her own clothes out! tHEY truly want control over every aspect of life..

    On the bright side though, I am now mentally free and dont feel the guilt about doing more, or not being good enough.

    Like all on this board, I am a thinker and cannot believe something if I have only heard one side of a story and will not believe something because I was told to. I know that If something is the truth, it will not be afraid of the other side of the story. All of the WTS fear and paranoia about apostates, not even listening or veiwing their sites, meanwhile Jesus gave everyone a chance to speak.. All this told me is that they have something to hide. Plus even mentally in I questioned why so many things JW's teach not in the Bible? Dont they accept the scripture that says not to go beyond what is written? Apparently not.. Nothing among witnesses is truly a consience matter, EVERYTHING has a legalistic rule in a publication or QFR somewhere to be taken as law. This takes away ones ability to truly have their own compass or conscience.

    I love you all and will be patient and try my best to be the best husband and father I can be while asking thought stimulating questions and step by step trying to save my family.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    What a great story BU2B. Thanks for sharing.

    You've got a head start on most at their first post here.

    Here's a tip that may be useful. An 11 minute read that includes a handout for your billfold (or purse for women). THE GREAT WATCHT0WER CONTRADICTION will pose a challenging question or 10 for even the diehard JW because of the more than 20 quotations -- all but one can be found on the WT Library CD.


  • DJPoetech

    OMG jgnat...

    I could have so used that advise 4 years ago...

  • BU2B

    Jgnat, thank you for the great advice, it definitely is true in my case, she does have the two personalites, and you are right, when we can miss a meeting and go for several days without the download of controlling info, her true person does come out even more, less judgemental of others and more balanced. And as for the incompetence its already begun, just last week I was taken off microphone duty because the COBOE noticed that I looked a bit too unshaven to continue! I gladly took my seat. I think a fade is my best option going forward. Get ready sister ample

  • DaCheech

    hello, another witless here playing the game.......... welcom!

    anyway, I'm lucky in the sense that my wife is not hardcore, and also that I have many experiences here to guide me before doing anything erratic!

    my mind is free, but my body is not............ I play their game so I won't loose my family.

    the problem I see with you is that you have told your wife the doubts and she rejected them, please wait a while and then just start attending less meeting................... maybe do service in laundromats so you don't have to lie to householders.

    It might be a slow process, but try taking your time.

    earlier today I read an experience on this forum, where divorce got nasty and the Witless wife tried all kinds of stunts in front of the judge

    the elders (and your FIL) will do all to keep you away from your kid (they treat you worse than satans spawn!)

    good luck again

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