cant be alone with sister in car....may have sex..are witness that bad??

by Witness 007 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Balaamsass

    Does anyone remember the hoopla about "phone dating" ? WTF!!!! One brother gave a talk about "devilish phone dating",lol!! I couldn't keep a straight face at the hall, and I had to walk outside to laugh.

  • jemba

    Because of their stupid rules you actually go as far as you can while you have the opportunity, I probably would have waited longer to be with my BF when I was a JW but we found ourselves alone for the first time - in between chaperones and we went for it.

    Their ridiculousness can really back you into a corner.

    I feel sorry for the people that have to constantly chaperone - usually the spinsters they think have nothing better to do get asked. They feel obligated to 'do the right thing' and probably also hope to get an invite to the wedding, not much else to celebrate in that religion.

  • JakeM2012

    I remember one case where a brother would show up for service and always went on a call that he felt he needed to go on by himself. This went on for years. Someone followed him one day, and he was visiting another sister at her home. Later, both were DF'd.

    I also heard about a CO during pioneer school that ran off with one of the regular pioneers leaving his wife. Both of these stories were hushed up quick.

    At the Funny Farm, I was asked several times by a sister to ride to the meeting with her and another male bethelite not her husband. (he was working late on special project). She was very cute and we always had great conversations. I did enjoy being around her, the other guy was your typical ghost white nerdy bethelite. She and I joked and laughed the whole hour trip to and from. I started to think that we were on a date and the ghost white bethelite was our chaparone.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Its like they believe in porn fantasy...pool cleaner comes over and housewife says...i have no money to pay you soo how bout some of this big boy....bam chicka wow wow!!!! so not realistic even for worldly folks.

  • Diest

    If I had to give a ride to a 70 year old single sister she had to ride in back. Otherwise I might have been too overcome with passion.

  • apostatethunder

    I have been alone in a car with many brothers and nothing ever happened, but there was a particular brother in my congregation, with whom I would not want to be alone in a car even if I had to walk for miles to the territory. He was creepy. This was the perfect excuse.

  • wasblind

    Back in the day, I was not allow to date a guy wit a van,

    really mom ? who needed a van ???

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    phone dating!!! ya I remember that! Funny if I go by JW "dating" rules I'm dating a LOT of people!!!!

  • Balaamsass

    Ya- I am on the phone ALL day for work...some of my clients are WOMEN...oh my...I MUST be cheating on the Mrs. LOL

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    is three way calling there form of phone chaperone?

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