What do apostates really want?

by Mr Facts 66 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mamalove

    I don't like the word Apostate. It implies that the original entity was truthful. Instead I like to think I am a truth-seeker.

    But, to answer your question, anyone hurt or opposed to the JW org likely wants to be able to walk away and not have their reputation damaged, their privacy invaded, or the center of speculation and gossip. Most want to feel like a non contaminated person, like a person who did not have the scars of a controlling, mind numbing religion. Most of all, all humans thrive on love, family, happy times. If the JWs would let the strongest bond known to man (familial love) not be broken by directives from Brooklyn, I think folks who have left would feel like fair is fair.

  • jamiebowers
    History has shown that apostate activities cannot have any effect on WT policies either on child abuse or domestic policies, even Ray Franz and Barbara Anderson couldnt influence matters when they were at the core of the JW administrative affairs, so how do you think internet peddlers could affect any change in any manner?.

    I don't mind being called an apostate. Here is the definition: One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/apostate

    I couldn't be happier to shine a light on this vile corporation. The governing body is either too arrogant or too delusional, or both, to change their policies, but people on this type of forum are here to help others as they leave the cult behind. The fact that those who are leaving aren't alone is going to be the downfall of the Watch Tower.

  • Twitch

    I don't consider myself an apostate or identify as one (though technically the dictionary definition applies)

    The only people who would consider me such are the JWs and I stopped caring what they thought a long time ago.

  • Londo111

    I'm with Finally Awake: I want pizza!

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    I wan't the brother that beat my child removed from his position and to never hold any again.

    just Ron

  • baltar447

    I wanna

    I wanna

    I wanna

    I wanna really really really


    zig-a-zig ahh!

  • elderelite

    I wanna get laid.....

  • John_Mann

    I just want have some fun.

  • corpusdei

    Me personally? Robot slaves. And jetpacks.

    Barring that, I'd consider it a pretty fine birthday present if I live to see the last holy book buried under the rubble of the last church. Then maybe we as a species can drop the argument about which imaginary friend has the bigger junk and get on with that whole robot slave / jetpack thing.

  • Jomavrick

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