Watchtower's New "Toy Story" - What Parents Need To Know

by cedars 166 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    I wonder what Pat Condell would say about it.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    JEFFRO - exactly!

  • Soldier77

    I stopped watching... That was disturbing. Does the dad sound like a modern version of count Dracula? Wtf was that about!?!?!

    The brainwashing continues... With emphasis on children. Sick freaks up at bethel.

  • cedars

    I've just finished padding my article out with a bit more scripturally-based reasoning designed to explain how nonsensical the whole notion of "toy wizard = being a wizard" is. I rope in scriptures from Deuteronomy and note what God actually said about "sorcerers" in the Old Testament, and how this clearly doesn't apply to a toy in the shape of a wizard. I note the similarities between the pharisees' way of doing things (i.e. "fence around the law") with what the Governing Body is now attempting to do - i.e. micromanage the decisions made by parents respecting their children.

    As the article seems to be quite popular, I want to really try to appeal to Witnesses as much as possible. They need to see that this DVD is VERY damaging for their kids.


  • Chariklo

    You could provide a further link for the petition to the government. The only thing is, I don't think Witnesses will dare to sign.

    It all needs to get exposed out there in the real non-Witness world.

  • mP

    how funny, jws say harry potter is demonic, when its just the story of jesus retold in an english setting.

    many disney animations are based on astrology just the bible.

    the lion king

    snow white and the seven dawrfs


    their stories are always good v evil, light v dark just like our world, day v night, winter v summer, cold v hot...

  • cedars

    Following some excellent suggestions by AnnOMaly, I have now been through my article again and toned it down still further. Obviously, there are some things I cannot tone down without making the article toothless - but wherever I can say things in a less bitter or hostile manner I have done so.

    We're now on nearly 50 facebook "likes" which is incredible for a JW-related article in my limited experience. Just goes to show, this is REALLY touching a nerve with people, not just me!!


  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Poor Caleb..he hasn't a chance at a normal life with his obsessive compulsive clean

    freak mother and Arnold Schwartzenegger like father. This has to be classed as

    a form of abuse. Also the point brough up before about the consequences..good

    one. The end result of not listening to your parents is VERY overplayed and


    Make me wanna hurl.

  • cedars
  • puffthedragon

    Cedars do you comment or reddit/r/exjw from time to time?

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