I used to be a JW! Shocking, I know

by NewChapter 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    When they talk religion, if I chime in, they give me the look

    Oh how I know that look! I used to be a JW, you know.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( New Chapter )))))))

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Is that really a picture of you with long blonde hair? I'm just asking cause I used to be a J.W.

    If no and your a dude I will feel cheated cause I was a J.W.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I asked for more faith....and there it was...in my received messages....I will never doubt again.

    **not like an ex JW**

  • NewChapter

    If no and your a dude I will feel cheated cause I was a J.W.

    LOL---I'm not a dude---I have a scarlet breast. But no, that's not a pic of me. It was a snarky reply to another poster calling me a hippy. I owned it, just like I own being an Ex JW!


  • WTWizard

    I used to be a witless, too. I was scammed in around the time it was almost "cool" to become one. There was no Internet, and books on the subject from independent sources were hard to come by. The dingbat would not take no for an answer. Additionally, it was still the Age of Pisces, where you were still supposed to accept what authority said without questioning it. I also lacked knowledge on the LIE-ble or Christi-SCAM-ity, so I couldn't have known that the whole thing is rubbish.

    After several years of false promises and being spiritually abused, I decided that, since Jehovah was going to just do the minimum with me, I was only going to do the minimum for him. And grudgingly, just like Jehovah (who I was supposed to imitate). It was Jehovah himself that pxxxed me off enough to finally pull the plug.

    Eventually, when I got my computer, I deliberately went to my search engine to search for apostate web sites on purpose. Once I read them, I realized that the whole thing was a scam. There was no way I could have known that the washtowel is a scam before getting access to this information. And later still, I hit enough web sites to realize that Christi-SCAM-ity itself is a scam. And, upon the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, I found a Satanist site (an honest one), did the requisite cross-referencing, and realized that it was far better than anything I learned from Christi-SCAM-ity. Within a few short minutes of looking at the Exposing Christianity page, I learned more about spirituality than I ever did at church or at the Kingdumb Hell. Now, at least I feel I have a shot at actually improving my spiritual condition instead of wasting all my time talking the talk.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    New Chapter...check yours again...do not doubt...there is one there. "If only you could believe, anything is possible for those who believe".

    WTWizard...Please have a quick squiz at my thread...I have some more questions for you if you are up for it...

  • NewChapter

    So you went from JW to Satanist. You know---the only reason you chose the absolute opposite is because you are in full out rebellion! You used to be a JW afterall, and therefore, your motivation is always suspect.

    And BTW, the little I know about satanism, I've never heard about the astral planes aspect etc. Nor have I ever heard anyone say it allows for spiritual growth. I always saw it as a sort of celebration of being human and enjoying human pleasures. But again, I know very little about it. So you have educated me on something new. I'll never be a satanist, because I reject the entire notion of the bible and satan and all that, but I have still learned about another shade or aspect.


  • elderelite

    i'll never be a satanist..... cause I worship Thor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MrFreeze

    Hey I used to be one too! But you know what? F that religion.

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