Please someone, explain scientifically how an omnipotent,omniscience,omnipresent,almighty GOD came from nothing

by smiddy 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    Maybe the supernatural sciences can help.

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    Who says God came from nothing?

    Care to expand on that? other than, he has always been...

  • tec

    Who says it came from anything?

    True, true.

  • MrFreeze

    God is like a really horrible girlfriend.

  • mindseye

    The question is "what is God?" How would you go about measuring this "God stuff"? I'm guessing we're talking about the creator God found in the Hebrew Bible, but the concept of God transcends culture.

    I think in these debates we're stuck with the God 'image' as the craftsman who created everything ex nihilo. This is the God of alienation and exile, a God outside of nature. Other forms of theology suggest that God is in everything an everyone, not just some being who created the earth as an artifact.

    The problem is that most of us were brought up with a very simplistic, undeveloped theology. And it's not just the JWs, much of western culture is stuck in a simplistic theistic/atheistic debate. Dawkins and fundamentalists are just flip-sides of the same coin. They're both stuck with the God image of 'creator', and as something concrete that can be proven or disproven.

    The theologian Paul Tillich is an example of a more sophisticated examiner on the God question. He viewed God not as the 'creator', but as the 'ground of being' (our very state of existence, as I understand it). The widipedia entry about him sums this view up well:

    Tillich is critical of [the] mode of discourse which he refers to as "theological theism," and argues that if God is a Being [das Seiende], even if the highest Being, God cannot be properly called the source of all being, and the question can of course then be posed as to why God exists, who created God, when God's beginning is, and so on. To put the issue in traditional language: if God is a being [das Seiende], then God is a creature, even if the highest one, and thus cannot be the Creator. Rather, God must be understood as the "ground of Being-Itself."

  • Giordano

    You got a question I got your answer. The big bang! That's where it all started ..........for us and for god. Think it through........It's taken us a couple of hundred thousand years to evolve to this point but it took the god person billions of years to develop into....god. You don't become that overnight. There were a number of mistakes along the way. You know things like Black Holes......mistakes. During those billions of years the god person pondered. That's right ...pondered. That's what you do if your alone and without form. You float around and go hummmmmmm. While the god person was thinking it through it fed on the invisible dark energy that makes up 70% of the universe. You work up an appetite when you will yourself to become an omnipotent,omniscience,omnipresent, almighty GOD with a capital G. It's tough work to get from there to here when you get your start by exploding into reality. The science part is explained by the dark matter and dark energy stuff. There's probably a mathematical formula about this me that's how it happened.

    So okay....are you good now?

    Giordano " took the god person billions of years to develop into....god."

    Why does the cohesiveness and awesomeness of the universe require a god. To create the universe the god would have to be more powerful and awesome than its creation.

    There are forces at work throughout the universe that have been present for billions of years. The universe may be conscious of its existence, though not in the way we think of consciousness. There may well be other life in far away galaxies.

    To me, this is billions of miles away from a personal god we can kneel down to, worship or talk to.

  • mindseye

    The Gladiator wrote: There are forces at work throughout the universe that have been present for billions of years. The universe may be conscious of its existence, though not in the way we think of consciousness. There may well be other life in far away galaxies.

    To me, this is billions of miles away from a personal god we can kneel down to, worship or talk to.

    To me, this IS God! I guess it's just a matter of semantics at this point. To me, God is not about worship or a personal relationship, but about awe. It's also not about creation, or the origin of the universe. God IS the essence of the universe and existence, similar to the Chinese conception of the Tao.

    Now I realize this is not what most people think about when they talk about God. But it's just because we're stuck with the God 'image' from the Hebrew Bible.

  • Ucantnome

    I always thought God always existed. He was almighty. Infinite. He created time and isn't constrained by it.

  • elderelite

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