Please someone, explain scientifically how an omnipotent,omniscience,omnipresent,almighty GOD came from nothing

by smiddy 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Oh, cool... thanks Joey. I missed the edit.



  • caliber

    Please someone, explain scientifically how.... almighty GOD came from nothing (shortened for the sake of simplicity )

    All of us have the right to set the limits or boundaries for our own topic .... but is it right to set these limits upon people in general , in life,

    in drawing life changing beliefs and conclusions ? Who gets to make up the rules to follow ?

    this is what some are saying IMHO

    for example....

    "This is not to imply that any religious approach is true at the cost of the views of the atheist. On the contrary, the point I am concerning myself with is that Watchtower “brain-washing,” if you prefer that term, goes far beyond mere indoctrination. It goes to the point of limiting how one reasons, teaching people that one must have conclusive and exhaustive answers, and that adopting one approach requires the total rejection and demonizing of the other "~~~~~ Botch

    "It's not a character flaw that Old Generation is describing, but honestly that old habits die hard. Most of us have to make conscious efforts to get rid of that indoctrination. For most of us, it doesn't just evaporate because we walked away. The WT is a cult that had us brainwashed. We shed its effects on us not in one fell swoop, but gradually and in pieces." ~~~~ FHN

    Who gets to decide how we decide life issues ? ... is the question beyond the limits of this topic for discussion

    must we have conclusive and exhaustive answers ? Where did we learn this idea or concept ?

    Could it be that mystery is for future understanding and intrigue ?

    We are not on a game show .... "Is that your final answer ? "

  • AGuest

    Funny (as in peculiar) thread, IMHO, but then again, maybe not (may you all have peace!). I often wonder at "how" others "hear". Not Christ, but when others "speak", even if that "speech" is in writing. While what the OldDude (peace to you!) is asserting is accurate, it is only accurate as to those who were actually indoctrinated into the WTBTS and its way of thinking. Not everyone here was, though, which is what I perceive dear NC (the greatest of love and peace to you!) is saying: although she may think in a certain way that appears to another (dear OG, for example) to be similar to WTBTS-ism, it truly can't be the result of WTBTS indoctrination because she was never "indoctrinated". And so to assume that her thinking is of the same result as those who were so indoctrinated... is insulting.

    Personally, I get that.

    Is it possible that (and I address this to anyone who cares to consider it) that rather than one's thinking being the product of association with the WTBTS, some... many... think in a certain way that is just similar to something (WTBTS) without ever having come in contact with or been a part of that something (the WTBTS)? Is it possible that some maybe even had thinking processes already conducive to WTBTS leadings so that joining up really wasn't that difficult, indeed was inevitable once they made contact (or such that it wasn't really the WTBTS that molded their thinking at all but, rather, only exploited a mindset that was already present or already forming so as to be led along in a certain direction)?

    Of course, it's possible.

    Should a person (such as dear NC), though, not be offended when they perceive they are/their thinking is being compared with something so heinous (in their opinion... and, if we're all being completely honest, most of the rest of ours' as well) as the cultish ideologies and poisonous propaganda of the WTBTS? While I would say that none of us should take offense at what others think/say/perceive about us, especially if it's inaccurate/untrue, I would also say that I can totally understand why someone who's never been a JW but knows the damage that WTBTS indoctrination can and has done... to millions... would take offense. ANY of us would be apt to take offense at something that we consider to be so... well, disgustingly reprehensible are the words that come to my mind.

    To continue to assert that one's perception of the WTBTS' influence on another is correct, however... when that perception is not only inaccurate but not being taken issue with (rather, it appears to be the [perceived] target of that perception, meaning anyone who thinks a certain way, as perceived by the commenter) is what offends... makes no sense to me. It seems deflective, missing the point, and overlooking what the issue really is: that in the context of the discussion the statement was too broad so as to include some that perhaps it shouldn't have and so should have specified that it did NOT include those it couldn't have (i.e., those whose thinking could NOT have been the result of WTBTS indoctrination because such were never so indoctrinated).

    But, hey... what the heck do I know? I was once so indoctrinated (not fully, though, ever, praise JAH!... and I don't say that to say I am/was better than anyone else but that I probably had less of a "fight" changing my thinking, for which I am HUGELY grateful!) and so thought in similar ways and patterns. Makes me literally shudder to think of it now, though... and so, again, I can totally see why someone who was never so would take offense to being presumed to be so... or think similarly.

    There is some wisdom, though, is there not, in not taking offense... when none was intended?

    Again, I bid you all peace... and I truly mean that: peace here, as well as in your daily lives, as well as to time indefinite.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, all those who go with, and the world... and so a slave of Christ,


  • extractor

    Either God came from nothing, or EVERYTHING came from nothing.

  • AGuest

    The error is in assuming that the Most Holy One of Israel "came from", dear Extractor (peace to you!). Something that "came from" something else, anything else, even if that something is nothing... had a beginning. As someone above stated (sort of) it's because we're confinded to measure time... which we do because we are finite... our lives are measured... that we assume everything [else] has/had a start and has/will have an end... and so must be, let alone can be... measured.

    It's just beyond most of us, though, to wrap our heads around even the possibility that while that a life can be measured may be true for us, if it is only true for us. Too big. Our world and our flesh have a beginning and end. Too much to consider that our world is not the only world... and our flesh not the only "life."

    So much more, though, than both: our world and our flesh.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • smiddy

    Or could we say,..... that if God came from nothing.... / came frome nothing ? !

    Just saying


  • smiddy

    Did I just kill this thread ?


  • AGuest
    could we say,..... that if God came from nothing.... / came frome nothing ? !

    Greetings, dera and peace to you! We could say that; however, we'd also have to say that "nothing"... is something. I posted about that here:

    It was the continuation of another discussion, which I just cannot find right now but will post a link if I do. It was in relation to this article, though:

    If you'd like to continue the discussion, by all means, please do. If not, no worries.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


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