Bro. Lett (Governing Body) borrowed illustration from an outspoken WT critic

by fugue 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Why can't Lett make up his own illustrations? Why can't he just ask Jehovah for unique material? Regardless, any illustration to describe the timeline of forever will fall short. Who wants forever described to them anyway? It's like, REALLY, long.


  • baltar447

    If anyone wants a copy of it I can put it up on sendspace. I downloaded it earlier anticpating that it might go offline. If someone wants to get it and put it up on youtube, even better.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The GB really DO view the R&F as children. That's no secret. Children to be controlled.

    I remember being entranced by that particular image at a really young age. Who knew the Live Forever book contained fapping material? It's a veritable JW gateway to pornography.

    I like these two comments.

    First, I think BLOND-MOMENT has nailed it, and it's been repeated over and over on the board: Its as if they're writing to CHILDREN in the magazines anymore. That's their lowest common denominator. Older publications featured all kinds of history (albeit taken well out of context) but the new crap is simply infantile. A FUCKING CONNECT-THE-DOTS OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN FOLKS! That's what it's been reduced to (thank god for the unicorns and smurfs! (you know who you are)).

    As for SCENICVIEWER'S insight on gateway porn - yes, ABSOLUTELY.

  • Shawn10538

    Somewhere in that illustration everybody is forgetting the part where the sun begins to swell to thousands of times its current size as it turns into a super nova and engulfs the earth in a big ball of fire incinerating all the JWs who thought they were going to live forever on the earth. Including Stephen Lett.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Breakfast: As for SCENICVIEWER'S SweetBabyCheezitsinsight on gateway porn - yes, ABSOLUTELY.

    Thank you, BoC! It's good to feel validated.

    Back to Lett - I met that guy at a DC probably 5 or so years back. Something's not right with that one. Seriously. And I'm not out to bash individual GB members. Met a few old-timers from Brooklyn in the past and my assessment was that, however wrong, they seemed sincere and some even had that grandfatherly thing going (not necessarily GB). Not Lett. This guy seemed to be either an outrageously pretentious, lying douche canoe or an absolute pscyhopath with a poor facade.

    Either way, my inlaws were mesmerized by his distorted talking hole and made sure to kiss every inch of his televangelist-wannabe ass after the session was over. Meanwhile, I was trying to make sure he was never less than 20' from my daughter.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    I think Lett aspired to be like Tilton.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Oops! Sorry SBC, I pulled a Watchtower and misquoted my source!

    And what's up with the pinkie ring on this guy?

    (love this YouTube ^^^^)


    The bastard modified the time periods too. Not 1 million but 10000 years. To fit with the 7000 years creative days!!! MORON!!!

  • steve2

    THanks SBC: Tilton is delightfully bonkers - I'm assuming all those farts were of the highest Scriptural caliber: odor-free and spiritual

  • cedars

    baltar447 - I wouldn't mind a copy, thanks!


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