I'm not a camper. I don't see the point in pretending you are homeless

by wha happened? 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL still

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I've found us the PERFECT roughing it camper BP...

    And I even found a mobile caravan sauna that we can take with us...

    and we can bring this if we feel a bit thirsty......

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes, I think they will do. We'll need the drinks trailer if we go and visit other ex-JWs.

  • Phizzy

    Camping ? the excitement is intents.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Nonsense!...I have lived in a shack for the last 20 years. The first 5 had wind whistling through windows and gaps all over the house. I had a possum climb into bed with me and crap all over my kitchen and take a bite out of every piece of fruit available. The last 2 years have been tearing the house apart and plastic wrapping on half the house, last winter was freeeezing.....LOL

    Camping for me should be luxury...if I want to rough it....I'll stay home....LOL

  • talesin


    I hate being cold,,, I have been hungry, and poor, but being COLD and hungry is the worst.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    now that type of camping may have some possibilities. How is it powered?

  • tec

    I like camping; I just never get to go. I do not,however, like bugs. So they put a damper on it for me. But I love the sound of sleeping out in the rain, the campfire, the fresh air, the rela x ed and real atmosphere.



  • talesin

    Hell, wha,,, you can have all the mod-cons with camping if you have the right equipment... that type of camper is easily accommodated, if you can afford to buy it!

    Nuttin' beats waking up in the outdoors,,,, whether you choose to rough it, or go the Cadillac route above.

    Truth be told, I sometimes sleep on my deck, with a foam mattress,,, ahhhh, love sleeping under the stars ... and sometimes, yes, I have woken up to a bit of a rain shower, but man,,,, it feels good all the same.



  • botchtowersociety

    Beach camping is great. Anchor the boat next to an uninhabited island and have the whole place to yourself (along with some friends). If we catch some fish, we have fresh dinner too. If you bring some herb along, it is even better.

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