Is worship deserved?

by goddidit 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Those in power who demand worship are considered immature, egotistical and shallow. For an almighty god who claims to be love to demand worship, is absurd; as illustrated by the god of the Bible.

    Perhaps the idea that god is not a deity but the spiritual part of each of us as a living part of the universe, is closer to the truth.

  • tec

    The form of 'worship' that God wants is for us to serve and love one another: feed and clothe the poor; house the homeless.

    Do people think that God is worthy of worship and so ask (or demand) that people worship Him? Yes.

    For instance, a being who created life, deserves thanks and respect for that gift and the power behind it. But just because I (a person) state that He deserves it, does not mean that He demands it. Nor does it mean I dictate what forms are worthy of showing that respect or thanks.



  • Phizzy

    Well said Tammy ! and the bit you quoted from James about the worship God requires has not been contradicted elsewhere in the N.T to my knowledge, or added to.

    Yes, there are other rules and such about conduct, but these are not termed as "worship".

    I read a quote today, which I will reproduce in full where it is appropriate, but the bit that applies here basically says all true teaching has a large moral dimension, as does James' about worship, if that moral dimension is lacking the teaching is suspect.

  • tec

    I read a quote today, which I will reproduce in full where it is appropriate, but the bit that applies here basically says all true teaching has a large moral dimension, as does James' about worship, if that moral dimension is lacking the teaching is suspect.

    I like this wisdom, Phizzy!



  • rocketman

    Worship, at its root, means 'worth'; the person places a worth on something, hence he/she worships it. Adoration and veneration are distinguished by some religions (adoration given only to God, veneration being directed toward kings or other men or so-called "Saints").

    So if a person believes that God is his/her Creator and is ultimately responsible for the fact that they are alive, yes, I'd surmise that the person will feel strongly that God deserves worship.

    But the bigger question is why does God want worship? I'd surmise it's becasuse he knows he deserves it, much the way a marriage mate expects and deserves, and in fact insists upon, fidelity. If a marriage mate doesn't get that, he/she is understandably upset. So why wouldn't God be upset when he doesn't receive what is rightly due him?

    God wants us to acknowledge via worship him and knows it is best for us to do so. As humans, we show an inclination to worship, or place worth upon, something, be it money, sex, idols, whatever. God reserves the right to become jealous, again much the same way a marriage mate does when something or someone else gets what should instead be reserved for them.

  • Phizzy

    If god IS love, not just has it or expresses it, then Love must be a big part of how we show our respect, love given intelligently and freely.

  • Cirkeline

    Most people imagine their god as of a great loving father. Most parents want to raise their children into loving, caring persons with a sound self-esteem, independent and strong individuals, fit for life. These parents expect their children to grow up and leave home. Loving parents respect that their children have different goals/dreams not forcing them in to a special direction pointing at their own not fullfilled ones, and they support them no matter what!. Would a loving father want their children to fear him? Would he force them to follow his rules because of fear of the gross consequenses if they did not? Would he shun his shild if he/she chose another path in life? Loving parents dont threat their children into obedience. If they did, it would be a total fake form of respect or "love"they would get in respons from their offspring and once grown up they would likely keep neccesary contact more of plight than of warm feelings. I know what kind of parents I would prefer, and these parents do not correspond with the almighty god presented in the bible OT/NT who after my opinion is described as a pretty immature, revengefully, violent, selfabsorbed narcissist Truly great personalities who really make a difference, who contributes to society in a positive way are most likely humble persons who do not want the fuss or attention to their own persona. These are the persons we like, want to be with, respect, love. Persons that do not have to threat with bad consequenses to get attention and respect. Show me this god, and I will feel comfortable supporting and showing the proper respect and love. That would come quite naturally I guess.

  • N.drew

    How can one pay attention to wisdom (the wisdom from above), love Jah with all the heart, and obey for rebirth if one does not worship God? Why should The Heavenly Father take second place to anything? And how can a person succeed to the end if the person's loyalty is divided?

  • james_woods

    Of course, (leaving god aside for the moment) - Kim Jong II of N. Korea demands worship too, and it is pretty clear HE does not deserv it.

  • tootired2care

    The thought that you have this all powerful being who has nothing better to do then to spy on his specs of creation (humans) in a vast expanse and record and judge every thought we have, and decision that we make, to me is a very terrifying prospect. I could not possibly worship that for all eternity. The issue is and always will be freedom, this is the most likely reason why a1/3 of the angels left heaven because they probably could not stand the controlling tyranny any longer IMHO.

    4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things. 5 For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God; and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ; 6 and we are holding ourselves in readiness to inflict punishment for every disobedience, as soon as YOUR own obedience has been fully carried out. - 2 Cor 10:4-6

    If that is not tyranny I don't know what is.

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