Rev Wright. off the

by tootired2care 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    People stay and attend a local Church for many reasons which we clearly understand from our days as JWs. Looking back we realize we could have left earlier, why didn't we, we could all make a list of reasons. Politicians get connected to a local church for similar weak reasons. Look at George Romney running for President of the USA in the 60s while his church openly denied Blacks positions of leadership.

    On the way to the Leimert Assembly Hall in LA there was a Pentecostal church titled: 'The Fire Baptized Holiness Association' I don't think they had any local politicans on the roll call list.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Agreed. I recently read a book about Joseph Smith and I certainly don't see too many things about it to recommend Mormonism to the everyday person. Being a born-in to the JW religion myself, I understand that both Romneys were born-ins themselves and for them to make a break with that religion, it would mean dumping all contacts, friends and family alike and starting anew. I perfectly understand the reasoning behind some members on this forum who obviously do not feel it is the truth, yet continue to attend because they have been in it too long and are not in a position to start over. My point has always been that Obama chose to join his church. The Romneys didn't choose theirs. They did make a choice to remain in the church, but by many accounts Romney today isn't that active of a member as he once was. If we want to discuss silly things like "magic underwear" in this political season, then Reverend Wright and everything he said is fair game. I wouldn't even bring up Rev. Wright if it weren't for the chatter on the other side about Mormons. If we can have a president who attended Wright's church, then we certainly can have one who's a Mormon. Both have racially charged pasts. However, the Mormons have changed thier viewpoint on race over time. Trinity United has not. That is the deciding factor for me.

  • Pistoff

    I hope for all our sakes that Obama went (goes?) to church so he just fits in. I hope he doesn't believe what he hears.

    Save for the most liberal of churches in all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths, religion is just a case of shared insanity.

    Christians believe Jesus was raised from the dead, and that his death means something for all man for all eternity.

    Muslims believe the prophet rode away in the sky on a horse.

    Jews believe God gave them their land, killed their enemies etc.

    What does a person do when the idiocy is called out? Hopefully disavow it.

    Obama did.

    I don't recall GW Bush calling out Pat Robertson for blaming Katrina on God.

    FOR tootired:

    His old pastor? This is what you are upset about? Why not go back to railing about Bill Ayers? Or maybe your are a birther too?

  • av8orntexas

    All I know is that in this country we have a problem with the current president going to a certain church formerly and trying to improve healthcare.

    But no problem with the Bush family and their oil ties to the Bin Laden family and Saudis.......... Amazingly we can't find the king of hide and seek for 10 years. Bush leaves office and magically we find him........

    Dicky Chaney for CEO of Haliburton becomes VP. We go to war, and his 'former' company profits in BILLIONS from the Iraq War through no bid contracts. We know these things. I mean all of it amzingly coincidental right ?

    Last I knew Rev Wright...Obamas FORMER pastor..... didn't cost me the tax payer a red cent.

    But Haliburton did. Some elephants in the room seem to be forvever ignored.

    But again....didn't Obama leave this church ? Why is this still a story ? If this is the case...can we revist George H. W. Bush really being 'out of the loop' on Ollie North and the Iran contra ?

    Whats funny is all that stuff...Rumsfield pictured with Saddam, selling the Taliban weapons to fight the Russians, and Iran Contra is now coming back to bite us in the ass. The Irony of it all

    I always thought no one would ever catch hell for everything and anything like Bill Clinton. So not true.

  • talesin
  • Berengaria
    I always thought no one would ever catch hell for everything and anything like Bill Clinton. So not true.

  • james_woods

    I do take it that we all agree that Jeremiah Wright is a raving lunatic, though?


  • steve2
    Whats funny is all that stuff...Rumsfield pictured with Saddam, selling the Taliban weapons to fight the Russians, and Iran Contra is now coming back to bite us in the ass. The Irony of it all

    Yes indeed. Well said. The hypocrisy oozes its way through the years.

    What's even more interesting is, what if Rumsfeld had been a black American and representing a democrat president?

    Imagine the rabid beying for his blood that would have echoed violently through the years. Many Americans whip themselves into an outraged frenzy over Obama's alleged affiliation with the Rev Wright, yet gloss over Republican bed-sharing not so long ago with Saddam and the Taliban. As I dared suggest earlier in this thread, it is the intensity of the opposition to Obama - an intensity that does not extend to the egregious cuddling up to earlier incarnations of leaders in the Axis of Evil countries.

  • james_woods

    I repeat - (back on topic) - do we all agree that Jeremiah Wright is a raving lunatic?

  • steve2

    No argument from me - the Rev is a right religious nutter....

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