Rev Wright. off the

by tootired2care 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GOrwell

    extremists often don't start out that way..

  • BizzyBee

    When Rev. Wright's remarks are put in context, they are much less inflammatory. He is definitely dramatic, but he is speaking to his audience who understand him in the context of their life experience which is very different from mine or, perhaps, yours. And, FWIW, there is a certain amount of truth in some of those quotes. He does not advocate for violence; he does advocate for Christian charity.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I wonder if any one ever gave the same amount of damn with the crap Oral Roberts said.

    Get it?

    Why are we so upset about the nutty black preacher, when those who regularly ingest nutty white ones, (who say the most inane bullshit), are the first to throw stones?

    (biblical reference inserted on purpose)

  • Berengaria

    Props to Skeeter, Bizzy and Jeff!!

  • tootired2care
    When Rev. Wright's remarks are put in context, they are much less inflammatory

    Oh gosh, what an absolute load of tripe! Why don't you actually youtube his sermons and listen to them "in context" and the try and defend your asinine claim?!?!

    Jeff - Please don't try to compare this to the average joe who goes to church. The bottom line is this guy is leader of the free world, and he listened to this crap for 20 years and conveniently disassociated himeself from it to win the office...his actions prove he is not who he says he is, and not a person worthy of the office.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    I wonder what context it was in when the good Reverend told us the US government created AIDS in laboratories to kill blacks? And what exactly did Oral Roberts say? Which president attended his church? I didn't get that.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I will compare this to whatever makes sense and is relevant. (or in this case, what never makes sense)

    First off, there is no religious test for the presidency. Ok? Stop it.

    Additionally, average people who go to church in the Catholic tradition just celebrated the resurrection of a REAL PERSON WHO DIED FOR OUR SINS AND WENT TO HEAVEN. (according to them)

    Oral Roberts once said that Jesus would call him to heaven unless his followers contributed several million dollars. No one called bullshit on anyone who fell for that. Would you like a list of Republicans who slopped at the Oral Roberts trough?

    I am not defending Wright. I am calling out your limited ( and borderline prejudiced) view of what shapes our current president. Like you think where a person once went to church tells of the person you can become? Bullshit. You don't know me. Or many other people. But that's ok. You're right. Where a person goes to church does tell a lot about the person. Can't wait for the first atheist president. Would that be ok with you?

  • tootired2care

    An atheist would be wonderful and I mean that with absolute sincerity. I agree 100% with Hitchins that all religion is the problem (sorry liberal religions included).

    Obama, Wright and the one they both hold in high esteem Mr. Farakhan all have one thing in common they are champions of the Muslim cause (their record on Womens rights is excellent btw...). Now ask yourself why would that be a problem for the leader of the free world? Is that really worth taking a gamble over?

    I am calling out your limited ( and borderline prejudiced)

    Oh yes and there it is, why dance around it, you know you just want to call me an uninformed racist, don't you? Because anyone that makes a critical comment of Obama or anything liberal is automatically a racist right?

  • AllTimeJeff


    Ok. I will take you at your word that you aren't prejudiced against Obama because he is black. Instead, if I understand you correctly, you are against him because you view him as Muslim, correct?

  • poopsiecakes

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