Rev Wright. off the

by tootired2care 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mindseye

    Wait until the Mormons' dirty laundry comes out the closet (like not allowing blacks to serve in their priesthood until 1978, for starters).

    Not sure what's wrong with some of the things Rev Wright says in those videos. Some of the rhetoric goes overboard, but America did commit many atrocities in its history; Vietnam, Slavery, near genocide of the real Americans. Anyone who denies or downplays these things is naive of history.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    Well, one huge difference would be that Mitt Romney was born into his church, whereas Obama chose his and called it the "best the black church had to offer".

  • mindseye

    tootired2care wrote: Obama, Wright and the one they both hold in high esteem Mr. Farakhan all have one thing in common they are champions of the Muslim cause (there record on Womens rights is excellent btw...).

    Oh please, don't tread that tired road. If anything, Obama is a cosmopolitan secular humanist. If his Christianity is more than political posturing, then maybe a liberal Christian like Paul Tillich or Martin Luther King.

    As far as the Muslim boogey-man meme, remember that the Muslims preserved the writings of the Greeks that serve as the basis for our western world, among other achievements.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis wrote: Well, one huge difference would be that Mitt Romney was born into his church, whereas Obama chose his and called it the "best the black church had to offer".

    As many of us here know, one can leave a church one was born in if one disagrees with it. In fact, it is one's moral duty to do so. Even if one was born into a church, it is still a choice to stay in that church.

    As far as Obama's choice, I agree that it was a bad decision, I don't defend him on partisan crowds. I think it was an obvious political calculation to get the black vote in Chicago, but in the long run it was even a bad political move.

  • steve2

    I remember reading some of the rabid anti-JW propaganda when I was young: It portrayed the JW organization in the most extreme, hard-core way imaginable and was such a distortion of what I then knew and loved that I did not recognize the organization at all. I have no brief to defend the church Obama affiliated himself with, but I am also very aware that the media in fact do zero in on selective quotes and make specified groups appear a lot more unhinged and dangerous than they probably really are.

  • tootired2care

    If I understand you correctly, you are against him because you view him as Muslim, correct?

    No, other than a deceptive liar; I'm really not sure who he is. I think he is whatever he needs to be at the moment to get his twisted agenda through, or look good for re-election.
    Has he ever really said anything without his teleprompter? Why is that suspect?
    What should any sane person (term used loosly) conclude by his actions and his associates?

    Make an informed decision for yourself.

  • mindseye

    tootired2care wrote: I think he is whatever he needs to be at the moment to get his twisted agenda through, or look good for re-election.

    Well, he is a politician. Do you expect him to not want to look good for re-election?

    As far as his agenda being twisted, I guess that depends on your perspective.

  • steve2

    tootired2care, you are fully entitled to your opinion. You are adept at finding anything that supports your negative view of Obama - Rev Wright or not, you would have dug something - anything - up .

    I don't care either way about Obama, given that I live in another country, New Zealand, where race relations are far from perfect but light years ahead of the undercurrent of hatred of blacks that seeps through conservative whites' skin.

    The negative rhetoric about Obama deomstrates that there is no shortage of out-of-proportion hatred towards him. Fair enough - you live in a democracy. It reminds me of the virulent opposition stirred up during Maggie Thatcher's "reign" in Britain. Some suggested it had more to do with the backlash; that is, how dare a woman act that way as Prime Minister? Stop telling others how to live their lives woman. I smell more than whiff of that with Obama: People seem to be saying, "What Obama's doing is bad enough - but oh my god! The insult that this is being done by a black man! "

    Misogyny ruled supreme in Thatcher's Britain. Racism rules supreme in Obama's USA.

  • tootired2care

    Right...when actions can't be defended and are called out; its gotta be racism that's real original and logical. Steve - someone has to report the news, because the media sure as heck doesn't. People should call the POTUS on bad things they are doing/done, this is good and healthy - remember Bush.

    I would be happy if the next 10 presidents were black, atheist, gay, women or any combination of those. I just have issue with someone who is so overtly deceptive and at odds with freedom in the name of Muslim appeasment, and hidden agendas.

  • designs

    toot- What exactly is Muslim appeasment.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    How charming, Steve. Not only are you "light years ahead of the undercurrent of hatred of blacks that seeps through conservative whites' skin", but "Racism rules supreme in Obama's USA". Geez, if we can only be so much like you! Show us the way, Obi-Wan! We are so hopelessly lost that the Klan is already mounted on horseback and ready to do some damage. Or maybe, just maybe, it's Obama's policies that are the main reason for the reaction on the right. It's always been a knee-jerk reaction among the left here (and evidently elsewhere) to equate criticism of Obama to unfettered racism. It's an argument which is getting really old. How many persons of Maori descent have made it to the office of Prime Minister in NZ? Once you have one, let us know. Otherwise, be careful of that glass house you have down south.

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