Osiris, Odin, Jesus

by Chariklo 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I believe Jesus is also the person who cleared my table at the restaurant we ate at the other day.

  • mP


    you missed the big point about xianity adopting pagan gods as saints and idols. its not that it happened, its about how easily it occured. how did ppl who worship god and not the sun end up adopting so many solar stories, idols, temples without question? how does a obelisk of ra end up in the center of st peters, why, how? why does any pope allow a monument to the sun to be placed in st peters? why is it a gnomenon with markers on the square fir the solstices and equinoxes ? shouldnt the popes know better, than pay homage to the sun. st peters also faces the sdun just like the temple in jerusalem. why ?

  • tec

    how did ppl who worship god and not the sun end up adopting so many solar stories, idols, temples without question? how does a obelisk of ra end up in the center of st peters, why, how? why does any pope allow a monument to the sun to be placed in st peters

    That's not that difficult of a question, mP. The people who worshipped God, brought in people who worshipped 'whatever else', and so those rituals and ideas and traditions got brought in as well. That doesn't mean the original people accepted those things... just means that they were carried on through the people coming in, and generations later, when the religion was formally organized, some of those things were merged.

    I also don't find it surprising that people a generation or two after Christ began to forget... we humans do tend to forget the lessons we learn from one generation to another. How long ago was the holocaust... and how many holocaust deniers do we have? Some of the propoganda and rumors that circulated about Jewish people now circulate about Muslim people.



  • mP


    you say ppl forget relatively quickly yet you believe gospels written 30+ years after jesua left the earth? i guess your comments about this matter show just how fragile and wrong the gospels could and are.

    comparing the evidence for the holocaust against the evidence for jesus is a joke. most of those deniers are just nplain racist bigots, with agenda, so its obvious they will lie. showing them to be fools hardly impacts the discussiom on the historical jesus.

    my last comment about the holocaust is the slavs were exterminated in the same way by the nazis. if part of the reason they lost the war, by killing russian and ukrainians in the millions, they lost allies and made enemies with tens or hundreds of millions.

  • tec

    I said from one generation to the ne x t, people forget relatively quickly. Paul was of the generation of those who knew Christ, though. I know you think differently, but that does not make it so.



  • mP


    firstly i dont agree with your comment about paul, that is a separate discussion which we have covered.

    mark was forty years after jesus, how do you explain it is reliable but at the same time say memory changes over time ?it only gets worse for mt and john they are even older.

  • mP


    if i recall the best you could show of pauls knowledge of jesus was half a dozen words about his dying for us. no nazarreth, mary, apostles, bethlehem nothing. that one scripture is hardly impressive especially if we consider considering its unique status in pauls letters it may very well be an insertion.

  • tec

    This is what I said above, originally and then again:

    we humans do tend to forget the lessons we learn from one generation to another

    If details from various people and writings corroborate one another, then that lends credence to the validity of the testimony as well.



  • tec

    Paul himself states that he knew Peter, and others, and went to see them quite some time after his revelation of Christ. You deny that those names are who they say they are, but that is you stating something other than what is there. I'm pretty sure that if we went through the gospels, I could show you more than one verse to corroborate this.

    But this is kind of beside the point of the OP, and I apologize to Chariklo for it. If you want to continue, mP, we could go back to a different thread on what is in the bible and what is not, or your other thread that you have started somewhere about Paul. I don't know which one that is.



  • mP


    paul only mentions james, john and cephus not peter. knowing three ppl with common names is hardly proof, especially when paul uses the wrong name for peter. there were lots of james or jacobs in those days, thats hardly proof of jesus. this is the same joke ppl argue that john of revelation is the apostle john, like there only ever was one john in the ancient world.

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