Osiris, Odin, Jesus

by Chariklo 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chariklo

    Osiris died and was resurrected. Odin hung on a tree for nine days, travelled to the underworld and came back with many secrets. Jesus we know about.

    The echo of the first two has niggled at me for years. I put such thoughts behind me during my two years with the Borg, but now I am free to muse as I wish. (One of the things I found most restrictive was when my study conductor empasised that we must never ever read any literature from other relgions or even denominations...thought police! )

    Does anyone else wonder about these similarities? At one level, some may dismiss such mythology as primitive story-telling. Others may see deep mysteries hiding a deepr truth.

    I am slowly coming to the feeling that there is indeed a deep truth that cannot be contained in any one religion.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  • mP

    know that i know a bit more about saviour gods and mythology i can see why the wts insists jc died on a stake or tree and not a cross. there are just too many gods born of virgins on the winter solstice who die on a cross. in the end does it really matter if jc died on a cross or whatever, after all we dont even know what year he was born or how long he ministered.

  • tec

    Check out this site Chariklo:


    He goes through all the other people who Christ is supposed to be 'copy-catted' from. He's redoing his site, I think the old version was easier to navigate, but he has everything there. He also lists his sources for where he came to his knowledge, and while some might be christian based... others are completely non-biased. I looked through the non-biased ones to get to the heart of this matter.

    I worried about this a bit a few years ago, when Zeitgeist came out. Was I wrong all this time? But when I did the research, I saw that the comparisons were mostly unfounded. Sloppy research, lies, and agenda to push... I can't speak for the motives, but the claims were mostly unfounded nevertheless.

    I am slowly coming to the feeling that there is indeed a deep truth that cannot be contained in any one religion.

    I believe there are universal truths spread throughout religions, and if many stem from the same source, there are bound to be some overlapping idealogies. But the zeitgeist stuff; Osiris, Odin, etc... these are unfounded.

    Peace to you, and happy research,


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I just finished a book written by a devout Catholic woman, who went on a quest to defend the Catholic church against Dan Brown's charges. At the end, she rejected the Catholic church and came to the conclusion that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife.

    In her book, she mentioned that part of the Song of Solomon that speaks of the Shulamite virgin was actually a direct quote from a pagan writing from Osiri's sister-bride, and that other parts are very close paraphrases. To support her contention, she footnoted a book from an acamedic, but I have not bought it yet. Per her book, Osiris' wife performed a pre-death annointing ritual similar to the one that Mary, sister of Lazarus, performed on Jesus. She thinks both Marys are the same.

    Her basic thesis is that "god" has always had a real bride (Osiris and his sister-bride, etc.), and so did Jesus. Christianity, and the world, is fractured because they are denying the other rightful female-goddess part of the equation, and she outlined the egregious steps the Catholic church took to stamp out the cult of the Magdalene, eventually replacing her with the virgin Mary.

    She makes a LOT of logical leaps, and I don't buy all of it. Yet, the single sentence that most struck me was when she pointed out that, as a result of Christianity, the "spiritual ideal" is now a perpetually celibate man born of a virgin mother. How sexually and emotionally warped! No "issues" there!

  • mP


    love the statements without backing quotes.

    king david and solomon only exist in egypt. do a search for --pharoah solomon-- and watch the bible story come alive in the story of amenhotep iii.

  • tec

    celibate man born of a virgin mother.

    That is funny, lol.

    mP - I don't need quotes; I left Chariklo a link that she can research for herself, to see the truth of those claims or not. I'm not worried about it in the least.



  • mP


    why is the quote you mention funny ?

    im not defending zeitgeist but i find it troubling how you accept the nt with all its mistakes and requirement to interpretation but you dont give an inch when examining zeitgeist. part of the problem is you use a twentyfirst century understanding of words when reading z. people in those days thought very differently. when we see virgin we only think of a wman who has not had sex. in olden days virgin was also a title as in these women were holy and connected to the gods. sex was very much a part of religion in the past, we see it all the time in the language of the bible. when the writer says the jews were whoring for other gods, its literal. when you went to the temples ypu also screwed the holy prostitutes.

    the word holy in hebrew , i hope i get this right, qadesh, is also the root for holy prostitute.

  • mP

    ... rahab was not a street walker, she was a holy women. all the prostitutes in jesus genealogy are not there too show lowly people thru faith qualified to be part of his family tree. it rather shows or boasts that some well known priestess was an anecstor. the story of hosea marrying a whore is actually the story of one preist marrying an important preistess. its notabout marryi g a sinful woman.

    part of the judaic religion required screwing these temple prostitutes. we can see this in the laws that tell a man cannot have damaged balls or penis. unless they were screwing how would they knmow if a man entering the church was damaged.

    read up on wiki for the keywords i have covered, its all easy to verify.

  • tec

    why is the quote you mention funny ?

    It was Justitia's quote (from someone else's quote), and I found it funny because it seems to be narrowing everything down to virginity and celibacy (though that tends to be counterproductive to reproduction). It just amused me, is all.

    im not defending zeitgeist but i find it troubling how you accept the nt with all its mistakes and requirement to interpretation but you dont give an inch when examining zeitgeist.

    Well, I CAN scrutinize zeitgeist. The information is out there for anyone to see. I mean, zeitgeist is not a matter of interpretation... it is a matter of outright and obvious false statements.

    The nt is not written in the same way.

    part of the problem is you use a twentyfirst century understanding of words when reading z.people in those days thought very differently. when we see virgin we only think of a wman who has not had sex. in olden days virgin was also a title as in these women were holy and connected to the gods.

    I see virgin as symobolic (pure in spirit) and literal (in the flesh), depending on the situation. I'm not using a 21st century understanding at all... although even today we use virgin in both ways.

    sex was very much a part of religion in the past, we see it all the time in the language of the bible. when the writer says the jews were whoring for other gods, its literal. when you went to the temples ypu also screwed the holy prostitutes.

    Now see, you say it like it is the only way... literal. When I think it could be either literal or symbolic, even both. It doesn't matter to me. The meaning or lesson to be learned is all that matters to me, and that tends to be the same whether you use a literal or symbolic meaning of a word.



  • mP


    that is amateurish.

    jesus has parallels to horus not osiris. jesus is the son, just like horus is the son. you habe made an elementary mistake. in your zeal to lie about the matter you got your facts completely wrong. the story of mary, god the father and jesus the son matches horus the son, isis the mother and osirus the father. wonder there is no mention of this. why doesnt your page discuss how isius and baby horus stastues in egypt became mary #nd baby jesus stastues all those years ago?

    could there be bias and dishonesty from a xian ?

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