Americans! What is up with your Iced Tea?

by palmtree67 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • aquagirl

    Its like deveined shrimp.I AWAYS ask if they are deveined,because I dont like the gritty line of,{well you know}running down the under and overside.Some parts of the country automaticly do it,and some dont.Its always good to ask,About tea too...Oh,and anything w.mayo?Make sure it isnt salad dressing.Lots of places use salad dressiing{gakkk} instead of mayo...Alway always ask...;}

  • FlyingHighNow

    Tip: try dipping your french fries or chips for Brits, into tarter sauce. You have instant potato salad.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well just trying to shop in a different state is fun. I remember the 1st time I tried to buy alcohol in Phili. I had to go to a "state" store which close at 8pm.

  • Heath N
    Heath N

    In the hills of Appalachia "bags" or "sacks" are called "pokes".

  • Kahlua

    When I moved to Phoenix AZ from Georgia I went into a Lowes. Came in the back door and they had no 'buggies' so I walked through the store. When I got near the service desk the lady asked if she could help me. I said Yes, I need to get a buggy. She looked at me like I was from outer space. Once she finally understood what I needed, she called over to a man at a cash register that was not busy and asked him to get me a shopping cart.

    He looked at her like she was from outer space. I spoke up and said, "buggy". He knew exactly what I needed. Turns out he was from Georgia too and had no idea what a shopping cart was. We had a good laugh over that.

    I always preferred Del Tacos here in Georgia. Taco Bell took over more all of them several years ago. I quit going to Taco Bell when they had the deal about the meat wasn't really meat but just filler. The food was tasty even if it wasn't meat.

  • Violia

    when I first married we moved from Texas to the Midwest. There was no Dr. Pepper or 7-11's or taco bells, El Chico's, etc.. I could not imagine any place that primitive.

  • palmtree67

    I just had friends come to visit from Canada and they brought me HP Sauce.

  • talesin

    I don't know if there's any chance of it there, Palm, but if you can find an Arab grocery store, they should have soft cheeses that are quite close to the curd you are looking for - and maybe a Greek store?

    HP Sauce! It's the only thing for steak.


  • TimeBandit

    NewChapter wrote:

    "It depends on where you are. I hate ordering tea down south, and getting it sweetened. I don't sweeten my tea, but in the south you have to be very specific. Up here, it usually comes without sugar, and you add it yourself---you know, like normal people. "

    People from the south are the ones that are normal. The yankees (northerners) are out of their minds...I went to Wisconsin once and ordered a bowl of grits in a restaurant and they had no idea what I was talking about..


  • palmtree67
    HP Sauce! It's the only thing for steak.

    That's for sure!

    Another thing: Don't ask for a "serviette" here. It's a "napkin".

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