California Most Hated State, According To Recent Poll

by Bangalore 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopsiecakes

    It's about an hour and a half from my couch to Banff

  • botchtowersociety

    Yeah, Cali is beautiful, but the comments aren't geoographical (or topological or climatic) in nature.

  • Berengaria
    Yeah, Cali is beautiful, but the comments aren't geoographical (or topological or climatic) in nature.

    Politics?'s true. We have been overwhelmed by the right over the last many years. But we're coming out of it now!!

  • Dagney

    Hmm...still looking for anyone who said they live in California and hate it...

  • Berengaria

    Yo Dagney! I live in California!!

    Love it

  • mrsjones5

    When I brought my kids back to the state of their birth (California) and took them to the wonder that is Lake Tahoe they looked at me and asked "And why did we leave California?"

  • Dagney

    Me too B!!! I hope I can live here till the end of my days...just hopefully in a little quieter spot but near a happening place. I like both.

    (WAves to Mrs. Jones ) How are you? Kids? Hubby?

  • mrsjones5

    Hey Dagney! *waves*

    The kids are cool and hubby is ok. How you doing?

  • Berengaria

    Oh ladies!!

    Dagney, I feel exactly the same. One of these days I want to retire to a quiet place (maybe overlooking a lake) but not too far from my beloved SF.

  • botchtowersociety
    Dagney, I feel exactly the same. One of these days I want to retire to a quiet place (maybe overlooking a lake) but not too far from my beloved SF.

    I'll be over there for a few days next month. Cali is a lovely place. However, just as everywhere else, the feople come in so many varieties.

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