California Most Hated State, According To Recent Poll

by Bangalore 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I find this interesting. Others may not. New York law is the gold standard. Other states will follow it. California law is what the law should be, if there were an enlightened system. More laws and programs have been innovated in California than any other state. When I was in law school and practice courses now, the CA example is always discussed in detail.

    It is weird how the two coasts compliment each other. There is a California attitude of willing to take risks and reach for the stars. This phenomena has been going on for a long time.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The poll was the Westboro Baptist Church members, they don't like us very much.
  • Hortensia

    Life-long Californian here! I love the place. Grew up in Southern California, San Diego to be exact, and then lived in the Palm Springs area for 18 years. Now I'm in northern California, way north, and I love it. So beautiful! I've had the beach, the desert and the mountains, it's all great.

    On the other hand, it's expensive to live here, and it's hard to find work.

  • Bangalore

    I guess if they had polled JWN members,California would have been the most loved state.


  • ssn587

    PerSonally I can't tolerate being but for a couple of days to visit children and grand children, had lived there previously for 18 years, so have been there done that and no thanks.

  • aquagirl

    Ah,dont kid yourself,The rest of us DREAM about living in California! Everytime I go there,I feel like I am finally HOME!!!!! Soon as I sell my places,Im California bound! Gonna visit you and Mrs Flipper too,Mr Flipper!

  • botchtowersociety

    California has had a lot of out migration in recent years.

  • Berengaria

    A very stupid poll. California is so big and diverse in every way, that it's impossible to say what you hate or love and have it apply to even most of the state.

    Flip, the line to vote in that election was THE longest one I've ever been in to vote. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when Arnold won. We can thank Darrell Issa for that mess.

  • botchtowersociety

    Nobody wants to live next to the BB types, it seems.

    Looks like James Woodses are more their speed.

    It doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know. Migration statistics reveal that people are moving in droves to Texas. Why? Jobs and no state income taxes. High earning New Yorkers and Californians can take home between 9% and 11% more of their income by moving to Texas. Every trip down I speak to at least one bitter New Yorker/Californian fed up with high taxes and cost of living. Forbes recently posted a fun map of domestic migration by county.

    So people are leaving places like Clownifornia in droves, while places like Texas are soaking up the difference. Migration patterns are a better indicator than polls, IMHO. Lots of businesses packing it up and moving out too.

  • Berengaria

    Our growth has slowed, as has Florida's. But it's still growth. Do you read the charts you post?

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