What did you/do you think about at the meetings?

by tornapart 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    How sad people seemed. What a waste of human life it was. How I couldn't possibly allow myself to spend eternity in Paradise TM with these petty, dull-witted, morally small people.

    How there must be so much more to life than this sad existence where I was a second-class citizen with no joy, ability to utilize my intellect, and fear of dying at any moment due to refusing blood. The pain because of lack of medical care for bleeding and why I should be punished because of Eve's sin--I didn't eat that apple.

    Also what sorts of practical jokes I would play on these losers next to prove yet again how easily tricked they are.

    Welcome bildad.

  • tornapart

    Slim.. so now I know why my hubby always disappears to do attending at assemblies!! That's an idea.. I could disappear off into the mothers and babies room.. :D

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I actually started READING the bible, not WTS selected verses, but in context.

    I did too. And I'd discover verses that were never discussed in the meetings. Things that made me start to go hmmm....

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    I actually took notes to keep my mind on the meetings. I had a study I tried to convince to take notes and she said, "Show me that in the Bible" so I finally found, "And they took no note till the flood swept them away". We had a good laugh at that. Assemblies. Jeez. 8 dayers, sitting in the sun, (fainted once and then got smart and worked in the snow cone deal) I think I just went kinda Zen. I still can do that if I am caught in a looooong session of sh.t. Even if it is something I want to know about I have to do the note thing to keep my mind from evacuating the premise.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I used to daydream about sex, or winning the lottery, but I generally just dozed off. There is no way to stay awake through 3 days worth of mind numbing endless talks.

  • just Ron
  • Merkaba

    Why Jehovah was waiting so long to let kids play with animals.

  • Ding

    One elder did mention that I seemed to be using the bible "too much"

    After all, Blondie, we can't understand the Bible at all.

    The inspired and infallible words aren't good enough.

    We need "the slave" to explain it to us in uninspired and fallible terms.

  • 3rdgen

    Sometimes I wondered if anyone would talk to me after the meeting. Sometimes no one did. Not funny but true.

  • TOTH

    As akid I mostly thought about playing outside the house.

    As a teen I thought about doing ANYTHING else.

    As a twent something I thought about the sister I eventually married. In fact she was the only reason I went during that period.

    As a married man I thought about going home to play with my wife.

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