Evolution disproved by 11 year old niece

by StopTheTears 285 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew

    Dear Billy,

    I see that I bunched you in with the mean ones and insulted you. I'm sorry. Some people act so stupid on forum that it got to me and I took it out on you. I have been insulted probably 1000 times. I bet you haven't have you? Did you read just n from Bethels post? I said " if you have the brain you think you have"

    Thanks for the insult N.drew!

    He and you said way way way worse. You did. And BTY I did not say you didn't have the brain you think you have. I said "if".

    Please forgive me

    Nancy an old lady with a bad girl inside.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    <<< I know, it's my super sexy avatar. It drives all the women wild with desire. I get it a lot on here.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    I'll forgive you as long as you agree to respect the beliefs of others. I believe in God, but not the same as you do. I readily admit that I believe in God without any clear evidence or scientific reasoning. I believe in God because I want to, not because I have concrete logic, proof, evidence. My God doesn't require me to defend him here or spend hours per week worshipping him. My God is not all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present. He wants me to enjoy life and treat others with kindness and respect. I obviously know the Bible pretty well, but I don't consider it the final decision in right and wrong... particularly when it comes to Paul spouting his opinions demeaning to women. Does it make me a bad person just because I don't believe the same things about creation/evolution/God/time?

    Give others on the forum more respect and you'll get more respect in return.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I would pay money to see your avatar do his own version of this video:


  • N.drew

    Thank you ex-Bethelite Billy. I will try.

  • Vidqun

    I told myself I will not get involved with such a thread again, but what the hell....

    Cofty, I saw the documentary of the wolves. Your "gut feeling" says evolution. My "gut feeling" says: Adaptation - a change, as of an organism's structure, to conform to environment. [Gut feeling, i.e., in my view "leap of faith": See article in thread and previous posts] Nothing I have read or seen since have convinced me otherwise.

    Poopsiecakes: Vestigiality? Are you referring to the human appendix, the coccyx (a small tail?), and the sixth toe of an elephant. The appendix in a horse's stomach assists in digestion. Without it the horse cannot survive. The appendix in a human is closely linked to the immune system. Human can live without it, but it has a function. Any newer examples perhaps? This does not prove anything.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    sent you a pm billy

  • Vidqun

    Sorry for working backwards. Stealth, I looked at your article. It starts off:

    Scientists said on Tuesday that they had discovered the world's first hybrid sharks in Australian waters , a potential sign the predators were adapting to cope with climate change .

    "It's very surprising because no one's ever seen shark hybrids before, this is not a common occurrence by any stretch of the imagination," Morgan, from the University of Queensland , told AFP.

    "This is evolution in action."

    The author and your gut feeling say evolution, my gut feeling says adaptation.

  • HintOfLime

    N.drew... Your god proved his "worth" in 1st Kings by... producing fire. Fire, I guess, is amazing or something. Meahwhile, for people who know something about physics - it isn't quite as impressive. Hell - you can buy a bic lighter at the dollar store.

    The best "YHWH" could do against "BAAL" is to start a fire. A literal modern-day "dollar store feat".

    As a "regular joe" of the 21st century.. can you really expect the "feats" of your "god" to impress people who can walk on the moon?

    Fire is pretty damn unspectacular. Imagine people living in the year 0CE watching Jurrasic Park in 1080p video with 7.1 surround sound. They would totally freak out! (They would probably kill eachother trying to escape the screening.)

    Meanwhile, god - being the spectacular communicator that he is, didn't even use a languge that included the vowel points of his name. So people like you have to go around calling him "LORD" or "YHWH" because you have NO CLUE! 1080 HD video with 7.1 surround..... MAN ..... vs. a god that doesn't even communicate using vowels.

    Heh. I know a communication FAIL when I see it!

    - Lime

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