Active JW understands flaws in WTS doctrine but believes in the Bible

by flamegrilled 238 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Thanks for asking, Flamegrilled, and also... as Nancy said above... for discussing, rather than arguing. You do understand correctly, your summary is spot on.

    I do not see the NT (or the OT) as the inspired word of God.

    Christ alone is the Word of God.

    I do believe scripture is inspired... as in heard from the spirit and written down... but not that the entire bible (especially not most of the NT) is scripture. On top of that, there are translation issues and the 'false pen of the scribes'. So while I do believe scripture is inspiried, I do not believe it can be inerrant... since the words and the meaning can be misunderstood and so changed to suit the understanding, as well as tampered with. The bible does not call itself the word of God, nor infallable... that is something that men ascribed to it.

    However, it is still witness accounts that point toward Christ, and I do not disregard them. I just have to be careful about how to look at the things written, how to measure them or test them, and always ask Christ to help with understanding, in the spirit. I measure everything against the love and mercy and forgiveness that he taught as well.... and that love that IS coroborated throughout the many books and their various authors.

    Christ first, everything else second... and only if it does not conflict with Christ and His teachings.

    Paul saying I and not the Lord, or vice versa, corroborates this. As well as the warning in Revelation that someone who tampered with the words of that book would receive the plagues of that book. No need to warn if it couldn't have happened at all. Also Jeremiah 8:8 speaks of the lying pen of the scribes, and even Christ says woe to the scribes. Then of course there is the search for something that even says that the bible is the word of God, and inerrant. But there is no such thing. The bible does name Christ as the Word of God though, and sometimes I think people mistake that as it meaning itself.

    Hope that helps!

    Peace to you,


  • cofty

    Christ first, everything else second... and only if it does not conflict with Christ and His teachings.

    So how do you know what jesus said if you can't trust anything in the bible?

  • LV101

    Welcome Flamgrilled --- glad you are here and appreciate your view/info.

    I agree w/some aspects of the WTS religion along with many other places of worship mentioned that take care of the disadvantaged. The WTS is one pecking order inside (not unique) and if one's status happens to blend/fit in the better, and sounds like you're one of those. If you were of a different socio-economic status or alloted fewer hrs. toward the WTS your comfort level would be different and you, too, would most likely have a different experience as you've acknowledged but experiencing it is believing! Much emotional pain and thus a higher than avg. need for mind control drugs/alcohol; this is not the only reason but I heard from so many people while inside who didn't fit in and were hurting. I feel for Miles3 and the majority of those recruited who leave feeling disillusioned.

    Being involved in "worldly" organizations and charities I admit people are people (the good, the bad and the ugly) and just life. It's another hierarchy w/out the hypocrisy of God involved and proceeds helping the less fortunate in life according to real financial statements. An echelon exists the same as any where else --- much resentment/evil according to one's lot in life/neighborhood, etc.

    Perhaps there are exceptions inside some congregations, but those who displayed their showy means of spirituality (service hrs., etc., "A" team players and their broods) were the ones taken care of by the clergy class/congregation. I was sick and tired of being hounded for monies to help these spiritual players out when they were too good to work but yearned to fulfill the society's requirements for club recognition. Recall a saying from the hens I studied with about staying as close to the center of spiritual ones in the congregation (who are they to judge for an opener). What an arrangement for the society.

    Of course the publications/public talks endorse one to do it all but why work full time/over time/any time when you can pioneer and live off the taxpayers (welfare or social security professing mental problems to collect which many have done to advance themselves inside) and checks the clergy class collects from others' to boost their company's stats. The demands put upon the flock are sickening and I refused to do it. It's FAR from caring for the widows/orphans. I do realize the great need for someone/something out there to teach right/wrong, good/bad, work ethics 101, stop killing, hating, fighting (even if it's the WTS or any other religion because it's GREATLY lacking in society). Even if we are born w/a conscious that knows this already --- which I find hard to believe, humans' overwhelming addition to status/accolades/praise supersedes --- but far from Jesus' example and words.

    Just my fast rant and experience!


  • Qcmbr

    My personal made up Christ first, everything else second (except when dealing with reality because Jesus didn't say squit about stuff like driving a car or electrical appliances and you gotta' be on the ball if you don't want to poke an eye our or blend your hand) ... and only if it does not conflict with my Christ and my definition of what other people wrote /mad up about what may or may not be His teachings .

    Fixed it for ya.

  • Qcmbr

    dang can't correct my.. ahem... freudian slip.

  • tec

    Honestly, Cofty, I started by trusting the people who wrote of Christ. Not really meaning to trust them, but it does boil down to that right? (though I always believed... that might have come first and helped with trust, I don't know) Then I started looking at the writings and the sayings, themselves, and testing those rather than the people who wrote them. Testing them against love and seeing how they applied in life. If the message is true, then how can the messenger be a lie?

    I put my faith in Christ, and God. I learn to listen, and then to trust when I recognize truth from lie. I'm still learning. Sometimes it is just a feeling of knowing. Sometimes its an understanding granted - kind of images and quiet words, accompanied by peace and calm. I don't ask if this scripture or that scripture is true or not. That seems silly to me. Its would be like having the opportunity to learn from an epert in something, but taking that time to get him to answer questions about what others say about him (getting him to clear up gossip) rather than just learning from Him.

    So I listen, and I put faith in what I hear. Doesn't mean I can't be wrong... but there is a difference between what I think, and what I hear from Him. The latter does not come from me.



  • N.drew

    I shall acquiesce to Hebrews 10:25 meaning to gather together in physical congregations. If that is so, how does "forsake" become somebody's custom? In other words how does one practice "to forsake"? It's something someone decides, then it's done. I'm not being coy.

  • cofty

    Tammy, it really does sound like Jesus has become your cosmic sockpuppet.

  • tec

    LOL... no idea what a cosmic sockpuppet could be (sounds funny though), but I imagine that someone else who hears would understand what I shared. I know that, because I understand some things about hearing, and truth, that I did not before. Then, I could barely fathom putting faith in something without a scripture or something tangible to back it up. I tried to picture that, but it seemed so... uncertain, and a bit scary. But I did still ask for those 'ears that hear' and 'eyes that see', even without fully understanding how I woud trust anything I heard as having not come from myself.

    But there is a real difference.



  • cofty

    Jesus/god whatever just says whatever you personally feel. He likes what you like, dislikes the same things as you and reinforces all your feelings.

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