Regulate Marijuana Like Wine (interesting article)

by sabastious 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    I meant to ask what would prevent today's illegal seller from becoming tomorrow's legal seller.

    DGP, I have wrote a ton of my economical answers for that question:

    Lets say I have a large parcel of land that has been proven to yield wonderful apple trees. The apples that come from my land are the best of the best and can only be grown in my general area. Now lets say you live in a place that is too cold year round to grow apple trees, much less the great apples that I grow on my plot. If you wanted to purchase my apples you'd have to pay a lucrative markup as I would have to get them to you. You love my apples enough to pay the extra for shipping as well as technology/energy to keep them fresh. Our business arrangement is contingent on the fact that you cannot obtain apples of similar quality without getting them from me.

    Then, suddenly, someone discovers a way to grow equivalent apples in an easy way and not requiring the perfect ground soil and weather. My business model has to then be refactored. The price I can set my apples at has been dramatically reduced because my past customers can now obtain what once was a rare product with ease.

    What drug cartels are going to have to do is start selling their weed to people within their country alone, where it still remains rare because of government prohibition and therefore can be marked up. Their market will be neutralized and no amount of extortion will make their weed products any less commonplace after the US prohibition is lifted.

    If the cartels really want to save their little niched black market they should infiltrate US congress, while they have to capital, and keep weed from becoming legal. Because once it is it will fall off their shelves along with all the capital that it gives. They'll have to start buying bathtubs for meth production to make up for the loss of profit from the legalization of weed. It would be nothing short of devistating, DGP, you WANT the US to legalize weed, believe me.

    ^ Not all drug dealers are businessmen. So with the legalization of a black market product, the drug dealers will be forced to become businessmen. The ones that have no idea how to create a good product will crash and burn, and like you say, turn to their normal extortion, pimping and dealing in OTHER illegal drugs which is pretty much what we have now except weed is on their shelves. It's too alluring to take it from them and place it in the real market's shelves. It will be a mortal blow, I hope.


  • sabastious

    I imagine it going something like this:

    Drug Cartel Grunt: Sir! Our product is being rejected by the public!

    Drug Cartel Overlord: It has been many years since we cared about product quality! We are rusty! Quick! Gather me up the smartest marijuana farmers and tell them that if they do not create me the FINEST quality marijuana then their famlies will suffer the consequences!

    Drug Cartel Grunt: Sir! I have gathered up the people you have requested!

    Drug Cartel Overlord: THESE are the finest marijuana farmers in the world?

    Drug Cartel Grunt: Yes sir! They said that they have with them an item of ancient power and knowledge. This book will be what we use to create the FINEST marijuana so that the public doesn't create slang terms for our low qualities products anymore. It has a rather simple title, but the knowledge contained within will reap incredible profits!

    1st Pothead: Here ya go, it's called Marijuana for Dummies. Don't let the name fool you, it'll get ya up and running in no time. Here, take my copy I can buy another at


    Drug Cartel Grunt: OFF WITH YOURS FOOL!


    2nd Pothead: Can we go home now?

    3rd Pothead: I think that much is assumable

    ^ I mean no disrespect, it's just my way to try to find humor in everything.


  • shamus100

    Marijuana is so boring. It's still illegal in Canada but if you don't put on some big assed production about it, then nobody cares. ;)

    Meh, IMO they don't call it dope for nothing. As one of our politicians said (from India)... it grows wild and even the cows won't eat it.

  • thetrueone

    Letting a product that has a certain desirable and appreciable value within a population, illegal has proven a bad thing to do.

    The prohibition and illegal use of alcohol can be used as a model of why this isn't a good idea.

  • sabastious
    Letting a product that has a certain desirable and appreciable value within a population, illegal has proven a bad thing to do.

    Exactly. The US should be the first country to try it out and then other countries will follow suit once the American public doesn't succumb to reefer madness.


  • sabastious
    Meh, IMO they don't call it dope for nothing.

    I can only speak from a bi-polar II rapid cycling brain chemistry perspective. For me weed calms my thoughts down and instead of a blur or flash of thoughts they are more like streams that can be simpified or expanded. I have noticed for others it can be a very dulling effect, but the exact opposite for me and many others.


  • talesin

    umm,,, drr,,,, this whole argument is moot, in my opinion .....

    fellas ---- If it was legal, why would ANYONE buy marijuana? Why wouldn't they just grow their own?


  • shamus100

    Drugs affect everyone differently. Some people marijuana causes severe psychosis - just like all other drugs. You are always gambling...

    But it is relatively harmless as long as you don't smoke lots of it. I can guarantee that you won't progress in your life if you do, though. ;(

  • talesin

    sab ---I hear you.

    all mj users are not potheads, just as all wine drinkers aren't alcoholics ,,,, people who 'believe' mj is a drug will not listen to facts, they still like to believe it is 'evil' and 'addictive' and 'makes you stupid'.


  • talesin

    Yes, thank you mr monkey expert,,, absolute utter BULLSHIT,,,

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