Welcome Newbies & New Posters ! How has this Board Assisted You ?

by flipper 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BAND ON THE RUN- Your comment " the lack of love and civility appalled me ". I agree, me too. I also learned initially from this site the nature of the cult like behavior of the WT society. And as you say it is so great to see lots of dissident voices rising up against the injustices of the WT society. We are not alone for sure ! It gives us courage to speak out. Power in numbers. It's good to have you on the board my friend ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Silent_Scream

    I read things from this site years before I was out, and I would do research in the publications to give me apostate ammunition. I had a very close friend become apostate. And I would refute his ideas and feel stronger and stronger about my stance. Then after I noticed serious problems, I checked this out earlier this year and was like WOW. So it's not just me.

    And that "never say anything negative about the society" was seen right through at first glance. I dont agree with some posts, but truth always prevail. Whether i want it to be true or not.

    What REALLY stuck out to me was a very old thread about 10 years ago, stating Jehovah's organization was responsible for killings prophets, built a golden calf, killing Jesus, and listed many other atrocities FROM THE BIBLE. That helped me to the men in Brooklyn in perspective, NOT INFALLIBLE. once that foundation is tore down, it makes it all so much easier. I gotta find that thread....

  • flipper

    SILENT_SCREAM - Welcome to the board ! Nice having you here. I found it amazing as well that many, many ex-JW's shared my same doubts when I first started posting back in 2007. I think many exiting JW's feel they are the only ones going through these doubts- then you find out that thousands of other people feel the same way ! I'm glad you had a questioning mind and have enjoyed the info you get here at JWN. Good to have you here

  • flipper

    BTTT for newbies & anybody- Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • 3rdgen

    There are so many new ones here I want to bump this thread.

  • mercedes_29

    I started reading the discussions here because I was tormenting myself about whether or not to go back. I thought I made a terrible mistake by leaving the WTS and that I should try and take back my former JW husband to make everything right. Crazy, I know. When I DA'd myself I literally had to start over. I had no friends, no spiritual advisors and no support network. No one can understand what it feels like to be a JW and all of the emotional baggage that comes with it unless you've been there. I am grateful for the people on this board and all of the information about the WTS. They have helped me to see the WTS for what it is and see past the mind tricks my ex-husband and the elders were playing on me.

  • flipper

    3RDGEN- Thanks for the bump ! Lotsa newbies here to welcome the last couple months for sure !

    MERCEDES _ 29- I'm happy to hear you've benefitted from this board. The elders and my JW ex-wife used to play mind tricks on me too so I understand to some extent what you've been through. It is hard getting started again after exiting the Witnesses but please know you have a support system here with people who have been through similar experiences. We're glad you're here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TimeBandit

    My dear aunt, FlyingHighNow pointed me to this forum during a time in my life when I was realizing the truth about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was in emotional turmoil. Before I started my path of discovery and realization, I had decided to shun her because of a reminder at the KH. I feel so damn ashamed of the way I treated her. But then, my life changed as I started to focus on my doubts and seek answers. Then, back in 2010 my older brother David died. I hadn't spoken to FHN for a long time, but felt that she deserved to know about her dead nephew. That tearful phone conversation led to regular contact with her. Now we're thick as theives. I asked her if there were any online support forums she knew about that might help me. She led me here. I'm so grateful that even in the face of my shunning she kept on loving me (she told me she would be there for me if I ever needed her) and forgave me so freely when I opened my eyes and saw just how wrong shunning is.

    I have been helped greatly by reading and posting on this forum. I'm thankful to Simon for providing us with a place to learn, express our feelings, and try to recover from the cult. Thanks also to seasoned members and everyone else for your support and freindship. I feel like I got a lot of big brothers and sisters here to help me.

    Chris Shepherd-

  • flipper

    TIME BANDIT- Very nicely expressed thoughts by you ! We're very happy you joined the board as well ! I'm so glad that you've gotten closer to Flying High Now and are thick as thieves. That is so cool. I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother David , I'm sure it devastated you. However it's strange in this life we live that with losses sometimes we gain some things in life as well. And it seems you've gained a closer relationship with your dear aunt Flying High Now and I'm sure she is just as thrilled to have you back in her life as you are to re-connect with her ! I'm very happy for you both. She's a great gal. Very glad you're here bro , remember we're always here for you too. Hang in there

  • Sauerkraut

    Missed this thread. I registered about a week ago and forgot to introduce myself. While still "in" I started researching about "the truth" a while ago. I can't say when and what exactly caused it but I started having this intuitive feeling that something was wrong. The more and more blatant emphasis on unconditional obedience to the GB was what bothered me most. So I started doing the unthinkable- reading on the Internet, and I don't mean the Org's website. That was shocking. Was also the first time ever I heard of all the cases of child abuse among Witnesses. On and off I would read a bit more on the net. One thing that I found very interesting is that J.F. Rutherford was a drunkard, supposedly. Also how fixated on Pyramids C.T. Russell was. About a week ago I started researching about the heavenly vs. earthly hope for Christians doctrine. That settled things for me and I completely realized that our "Truth" is not what we're told and that not this or any GB before has had Jehovah's Spirit as guidance. It had bothered me before that we're told to follow men, not Christ. Now I'm not only bothered but done with paying attention to what they have to say, they no longer have any authority over me. Can't say where my life will lead me from now on. Due to family ties I can't just quit right now, I wish I could, but especially my Mother would be extremely shattered. We've had some discussions about some of my thoughts and she started becoming very accusatory, saying I was placing my own wisdom over that of seven million and how Jehovah would not permit them all to be so wrong... Better not to argue, at least for the time being. I prefer to be upfront about my thoughts and don't want to pretend. It's sad to see how many are unconditional in their obedience and how they have given up all inclination for free thought.

    Btw, I'm thirty and third generation Witness. Never been a Pioneer and have always had something against the "carreer Witness type".

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