Welcome Newbies & New Posters ! How has this Board Assisted You ?

by flipper 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    Welcome Iarts, and all new posters, and new readers !

    Just remember that there is a wealth of experience of the ups and downs of leaving the WT on this site.

    Decide what you want to achieve, whether to be DF'd or to DA yourself or simply fade away so they leave you to live your life, whatever you wish, people on here have done it, so ask first before any rash moves, some have brought about situations and then regretted it.

    But, big WELCOME again to all new ones !

  • ziddina

    Welcome to all the new people!!! Iarts, Wow!! You do have a lot of members still in... But as long as you're careful not to reveal too many details, locations, etc, you ought to be all right... You could always post a personal experience as, "I knew of this brother/sister who..."

    3rd Gen, I am so sorry to hear about your son! And VERY sorry to hear about your husband's bad experience - we have trolls who occasionally show up on-board, and they'll use every means of manipulation possible to try to 'scare' new people off of the board..

    Then there is the occasional poster who's just naturally bitchy - like me - who is having a bad day or just didn't understand the question or isn't using empathy or humor or whatever....

    Please tell your husband that, if I was the one who offended him, I'm sorry, and I sometimes put my foot in my mouth... That does happen around here on occasion - but please don't let that scare you - and him - off!!

    Zid the She-Devil

  • 3rdgen

    Tto Zid, No, no it wasn't you at all! you have gone out of your way to be friendly. Thanks!

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I've been here a little more than 2 yrs...(regardless of what the profile says....there was an incident)

    This Board really showed me the Pain and Confusion was real and I was not the only one with these mixed emotions.

    Watching your Family walk away from you for a New System... Your Daughter and Son refuse to acknowledge you exist!

    I saw my Daughter for the first time in years........ and had to be told that was her because it was so long since I've seen her.....

    She was 13......... now 23!

    When I was told....... it was her after she had left!! Never even had an idea it was my Firstborn!

    Talk about Jehovah's Loving Arrangement!

    After reading and talking with Hundreds here.... and Building friendships here.... you see

    You're not alone.. these stories are as common as (biblical term) the sands of the sea!

    Everytime I'm on this Forum I come across something that makes you go.............

    Yep! seen it..... been there.... and THANK ...........(think think) GOODNESS!!! I am Free....

    I have no Regrets and No Guilt.... And even after that incident which happened only Last Week......

    I felt No Pain! Just shook my head thinking.............

    God is Love!

    Thanks for all your Healing Power I have felt here.......

    Love to All....(maybe not all LOL)

    Charlie Brown Jr.

  • Halo

    Hi. been welcomed by a few of you already on another thread.

    I've been reading here as well as quite a few other places on the internett for a while now.

    I feel like I know some of you really well already from reading your posts.

    For now I wuill just say I am a fader, so far so good. Thanks ton all who posted about ways to deal with calls and visits, it really helped me to formulate a strategy that is working for me.

    I have, thanks to all of you, come a long way. Never undersetimate the power of what you say on here to help and encourage those who need it. Whether we post or not, it helps us. In time I may post more, but for now thanks.

  • flipper

    Thanks for the responses. Was offline for a day or two, will respond now.

    LUKE- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here ! I'm so glad that Randy Watters site ( Freeminds ) , Paul's site ( JWFACTS ) , and JWN has helped you to think freely again and clear things up inside for you. Look forward to hearing more from you ! Take care.

    3RDGEN- I'm happy that this board has been a comfort for you & your husband helping you to gain freedom of mind ! Like yourself I was raised in the Witnesses from birth and surrounded by lots of JW relatives. I know how hard it can be to make new friends outside the JW's. If you would like I'll PM you and your husband my wife and my phone number. Would love to chat sometime. I am so terribly sorry about the loss in death of your adult son. My deepest condolences to you. . I'm sorry someone was rude and mean spirited to your husband on the board here. It's the minority of people that do that, not the majority. Most people are very nice here. Remember- some people definitely have anger management issues - either due to their not recoovering from the lies by the WT society- or they may have psychological difficulties in general coping with depression. So please don't take it personally. If it wasn't your husband getting jumped on - that person would have abused somebody else. Take care of yourself the two of you, and hang in there ! I'll send a PM in a few minutes !

    iarts- 60 + family members that are Witnesses ? Wow. You will have to tread carefully ! Good luck

  • flipper

    3RDGEN- You have a PM ! Meant to send it an hour ago, we had unexpected visitors !

    WOBBLE- Good points you make. There really IS a wealth of experience here on this board of people going through the ups and downs of exiting the JW's. I have really been assisted by other board members wisdom in dealing with different situations as well. But like you said we are here for these new ones if they need help. That's whats so cool about this board in my opinion. Lots of helpful people.

    ZIDDINA- You're not a bitchy poster at all ! You really try to help people . A great addition to this board .

    CHARLIE BROWN JR. - I'm so sorry you went so any years without seeing your daughter my friend. I'm going through that with both of my adult daughters - I DO know how hard it is. Hang in there my brother. Perhaps in time our JW daughters will see the insanity of the WT society . We need to keep believing it's a question of WHEN our daughters will exit the cult not IF they will exit the cult. Keep thinking positive my friend. I'm here for ya, and so are others. Love you too bro.

    HALO- I'm so glad you are on the board here ! And that the many positive comments and ideas have helped you to move on to freedom of mind my friend. I hope things work out well for you and just remember we are here for each other. You have like minded people here who are survivors of oppression and can give out good ideas of how to cope. Take care, hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ziddina
    "ZIDDINA- You're not a bitchy poster at all ! You really try to help people..." [Flipper]

    Hey hey hey!!!

    How'm I gonna maintain my reputation as a She-Devil if you keep spreading these rumors about me???

    Zid the GRUMPY She-Devil

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Yeah, I don't want to spoil your reputation ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Balaamsass

    Thanks EVERYONE for your hospitality! This has been very theraputic, and encouraging to the wife and I. It feels great to get some things off our chest. For over 50 years we were never "good" enough for the G.B. It feels good to step out into the light and realize we are not alone. The site also serves as a type of "group". Regular therapy is difficult, and group almost impossible, because to most people this Religion sounds like a cross between the Puritan Witch hunters, the Amish and Jonestown. In fact the wife explains JWs to outsiders as "Amish with lipstick." Her therapist calls it "Barbaric".

    My only problem is the friendly people here being referred to as "Apostates". Not so. Only a certain US Corporation deserves that title!!

    Thanks again and love to all

    P.S. Flipper I loved your adventures with Ranger Ricks as a kid !

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