Welcome Newbies & New Posters ! How has this Board Assisted You ?

by flipper 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Flipper I cannot even begin to say how much this board has meant to me. I thought I was alone and something was wrong with me because I could never fit in, no matter what I did, I pioneered, went to where the need was great, went to Bethel, was an elders wife for 23 years, opened my home to the whole congregation many times and I have a small house of only 900 sq feet. Everyone always came, one time I had over 90 people in my home where there was standing room only, as no one else would give of themselves or their home. Yet when my husband had a major heart attack while he was conducting the school no one could drive me to the hospital, yet alone stay with me. It was amazing, even the hospital staff and some of the other worldly people visiting their families were surprised at how alone I was.

    I was so depressed that I thought dying would be my only out. To me life was just not worth living. I just could not fit in the religion no matter what, I could not make friends in the religion yet I was scarred to make friends outside the religion from all I was told. I thought if inside I am treated so horribaly what will it be like outside? It was all brainwashing.

    I was so totally alone thinking I was crazy, I did everything that was asked of me in the religion if they said jump I said how high. I jumped through all the hoops thinking that something would finally click somehow I would finally be good enough for them.

    Then the child molesters moved into my hall and they were accepted by the elders, who totally loved by them. The pedophiles got everything I ever wanted and I was treated like even worse crap for not liking the child molesters by the elders, a CO told that I just needed to get a handle on my feelings toward them and come to grips with my feelings.

    If it were not for me finding this board I think or I am sure I would have committed suicide by now.

    I am just so glad for this board and for those like you and Mrs. Flipper, mouthy who was the first to pm me.

    This board saved my life.


  • flipper

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- We are so glad you decided to join the board my friend ! You have been a huge addition on this board and the threads you start are very thought provoking and promote lots of great conversations and freedom promoting thoughts ! I'm really glad this board has helped you to reaquire your freedom AND your life as well . I know that you put out over 40 years of hard spent devotion to the JW cult as I and many others did - however that was then, and this is now. You have years of freedom to look forward to and take your life in a positive direction.

    My wife and I are privileged to call you a good friend as well . We have really enjoyed getting to know you. You have a great heart, sincere, kind, and compassionate towards others. One thing Mrs. Flipper told me is she was amazed that the JW's who knew me didn't give me any credit for being a decent person who showed kindness while I was in the JW's. I feel you suffered that same unjust judgment from fellow JW's as I did. Showing the " fruitages of the spirit " was NEVER high on the list to get a person popularity in the congregations. It was only what we " put out " so to speak in regards to time spent in service , raising hands commenting at meetings, etc. that mattered. NOT how decent of a person we were.

    You've been to our house and you know our house is only 900 or 1,000 sq.ft as well. I can only imagine how jammed it felt with all those people in your house ! To me it seems like people like us gave much more than we received out of the JW cult. And that is what can get so frustrating to feel we wasted so many years. But like I said, that was then, this is now. If we try to live in the here and now in a positive way - it will help push the bad memories of our cult experience behind us. We can't change the past, we can't control the future- all we have is the here and now to day by day take control of our lives in a positive way if we desire to. I'm glad you are with us here LITS , have a great day and hang in there ! Keep on thinking with a free mind ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Well I guess I'm not new new!! There are a lot of new ones here welcome!!!

    This site has helped me sort out all the messes in my head.....

    Thanks all for your help!

  • flipper

    FOUND SHEEP- Well, you are still relatively new ! LOL ! Enjoy your posts and takes on things as well. Isn't it amazing how many new people have joined in just the last 6 months or so ? I'm glad the board has helped you greatly as well. I think it's helped many of us sort out things in our head , including myself

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wobble

    Thank you Flip, for your kind words to me and to everybody, you are of immense value to all who find this site, you prove that life after the WT, whatever that malevolent organization throws at you, is not only possible , but is very very good.

    Keep up your good work on here.

  • ziddina


    Glad to hear from so many semi-oldtimers!!! How about you totally NEW people chiming in, too???

    Those of you with less than 200 posts - yes, you know who you are!!!


  • flipper

    WOBBLE- Thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. I have found life after the JW's indeed to be very happy and I've njoyed getting to know people on this board also. I know how hard it was 8 years ago when I first got out and only my son and two parents supported me. Everybody else was against me when I stopped attending meetings. It's nice to pay it back to our fellow JWNers so they can feel support too !

    ZIDDINA- Thank you so much for recommending to me to post this thread ! You deserve lots of credit for giving me the nudge to do it ! I'm sure more will chime in who have under 200 posts as well. It's certainly great hearing from everybody ! Thanks again Ziddina

  • ziddina

    Hey, no need to thank me, Flipper....

    You're the one who deserves the thanks!!

    I was too chicken to start the thread - thought that having a "Welcome, New People!" thread posted by a She-Devil, might be a bit too incongruous for many newcomers...

  • ziddina


    Now that I think about it...

    I can just see the thread title now: "Hello, New People!! Zid the SHE-Devil welcomes you to the board!!!"


    That appeals to my sense of mischief!!!

    Zid the - who else? - She-Devil...

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