Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice

by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mankkeli

    On this forum, I have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the JW religion, I have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, I have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving. For the majority, I observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving. What benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, Please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,. what benefit is there to take an action that will shut the door of communication between you and your beloved children?. What does that action merit?.

    Even if you have come to the conclusion that the JW religion is another man-made scam, How would leaving upgrade your life?. If you are a lurker reading this post or you are still in and contemplating disassociating yourself, please pay utmost attention to what I have to say. leaving will do you no good after all. Some have left the JWs since the 80s, they are still here posting and ranting, although, I understood the rationale behind their anger but their unhealthy obsession with the religion (posting, blogging, making website, conferences and many others) do not provide a satisfactory proof that leaving had been valuable, they are still attached one way or the ther

    For those of you who anticipated the demise of the JW religion,you may end up being frustrated and dissapointed as your wishes may never be fulfilled, Even Raymond franz a guru apostate wondered till death on the reason for the high surge of baptismal candidate. His confusion led to the complications of his sickness which later resulted in his death.

    Please ask yourself this question, If I leave this organization how would my exit improve my relationship with those I love most?, what If I concentrate on the positive sides of the organization and keep the spirit, would it be beneficial after all?. Some few weeks ago, I asked a question on this forum, What has atheism done to the world?, most people remained silent, few who commented gave no concrete response. The answer is simple, atheism is as useless as theism.

    Lurkers please I beg you, hold on to what you have, dont walk along the same path with those who have left for decades and keep ranting here to get some therapy. leaving doesnt worth it after all. Remain in the organization, keep your senses and maintain a good balance, Participate in the preaching work and encourage fellow christains as much as possible, this demeanor will not harm you. For those who have left, I know you will all agree with me that it is better not to have read crisis of conscience in the first place. Unfortunately, you have exposed yourself to the other angle of the religion and here you are, doing what?.

    Please note, I am not a pro-JW neither I am in support of people being ruled by a few lunatics in brooklyn. I am only repoorting what I have observed .

  • Berengaria

    You're obviously not very observant

  • Lynnie

    Are you serious? so better to be a hypocrite and stay in the JW's and pretend to believe what Brooklyn decides on a daily basis? Great!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer


  • mankkeli

    Berengeria - Please read the posts and see with your own eyes and tell me if leaving had worth it after all?

    Lynnie - Either we are JWs or non-JWs, we are all hypocrites in one form of life or the other. Remember, The devil (JW organization) we know is better than the God (atheism, other churches) we dont know.

  • Jewel

    ABSOLUTELY. Positively. I have no doubts whatsoever. I still wake up on Sunday mornings thankful that I don't have to go to meeting. I still rejoice in my heart when my Mom goes to an assembly and I get to stay home and live my life. I am grateful every time my family puts up the Christmas tree with carols in the background and leftover Thanksgiving in the refrigerator. My life has been rich beyond belief BECAUSE I LEFT!

    Lurkers please I beg you, hold on to what you have, dont walk along the same path with those who have left for decades and keep ranting here to get some therapy
    leaving doesnt worth it after all. Remain in the organization, keep your senses and maintain a good balance, Participate in the preaching work and encourage fellow
    as much as possible, this demeanor will not harm you. For those who have left, I know you will all agree with me that it is better not to have read crisis of conscience
    in the first place. Unfortunately, you have exposed yourself to the other angle of the religion and here you are, doing what?.
    Please note, I am not a pro-JW neither I am in support of people being ruled by a few lunatics in brooklyn. I am only repoorting what I have observed .

    Your not pro JW but your Begging JW`s to stay in the WBT$ shit hole..

    I rarely meet anyone who isn`t grateful to be out of that mess..

    I walked out..

    I still have JW Friends and family I see ocassionaly..

    I have no interest in getting them out of a place they want to be..

    No matter how miserable they really are..

    Your post is a contrived Load of Crap..


  • leavingwt

    mankkeli: It is my sincere hope that you experience life as a free person, one day. Only then will you understand why leaving a high-control group is of such great value, despite the consequences.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Wow you must not have read my story!! Well not sure if you are joking or not but my lfe has 100% improved. Sure the leaving process hurt, but now that I'm on the other side I feel so much happier and free. I lost my brother, at this point, to the cult. I lost many friends but have made new ones that don't judge me based on how well I follow there man made rules.... I don't fear everything. I look at life as a gift that I plan on appreciating now and for the rest of my life..

  • mankkeli

    Jewel - How can you demonstrate that your life has been rich since leaving?

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