How many ex-JW's are musicians on here?

by NoRegrets 48 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cantleave

    I play guitar (badly), I have a rather beautiful Vintage Fender Strat with rosewood neck and sunburst body.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i use ableton live with plugins from native instruments (their "guitar rig" is awsome and a huge space/money saver). ableton live is great to just jam along but also do some serious recording, mixing and mastering as well as playing/djing live gigs.

  • Twitch

    Yea, I have that Guitar Rig app/plugin; great stuff actually. Don't use digital for live tho...

  • NoRegrets

    Great to hear everyone's stories! Music is so wonderful and soothing!!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    what about an apostate music contest? the talented writers on here could provide some lyrics and the musicians rock the jehovah out of it?

  • glenster

    Musician/songwriter but not ex-JWs

  • Lozhasleft

    I play the keyboard. I learnt while I was a JW and practiced on the tricky songbook chords lol. Now I do it for pleasure.

    Loz x

  • JimmyPage

    I play guitar mostly but also have learned some bass, piano, and mandolin for multi-tracking purposes (and because I enjoy it). If you'd like to hear some of my stuff pm me.

    It occured to me that it would be awesome to get several of us together and make a concept album about breaking free from the WT.

    As far as this quote: "I will never master the piano and unlike you, I wouldn't think of trying to play the bass, guitar AND the mandolin in addition to the piano with the goal of getting good at ANY of them" the fact is there are many musicians out there who are talented enough to play more than one instrument and are more than good enough at each of them to entertain the masses. Take Paul McCartney, for instance. In any given concert of his he will play bass, guitar, mandolin, piano, and ukulele. I'd say his music is fairly adequate, wouldn't you?

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    is anyone on soundcloud?

  • NoRegrets

    I'm afraid not.

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